AT&T Pay Phone
(509) Washington Directory
This section contains pay phone numbers from eastern Washington, the vast majority of which I have acquired myself. This section covers only area code 509.
- 509-935-8393…Shell Mini Mart……………1372 North St
Airway Heights
- 509-244-9815…Buckhorn Inn………………13311 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9116…Conoco Mini Mart…………..11980 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-4272…Conoco Mini Mart…………..13211 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9317…Hong Kong Buffet…………..13610 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9880…Hong Kong Buffet…………..13610 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9103..Maid O Clover……………..1418 S Garfield Rd
- 509-244-8956…McDonald’s………………..12002 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-232-2638..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…front entrance
- 509-232-2636..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…near restrooms in center of casino
- 509-232-2635..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…near restrooms in center of casino
- 509-232-2634..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…near restrooms in center of casino
- 509-232-2633..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…near restrooms in center of casino
- 509-244-9001..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…near family entrance
- 509-244-9002..Northern Quest Casino………100 N Hayford Rd…near family entrance
- 509-244-9823…Paksco Mini Mart…………..13722 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9764…Post Office……………….1501 S Mullen
- 509-624-1127..Shell Mini Mart……………1305 S Hayford Rd…
- 509-244-9128…Taco Time…………………12807 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9802…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..14024 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-9712…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..14024 W Sunset Hwy
- 509-244-4290…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………12825 W Sunset Hwy…near store
- 509-244-9101…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………12825 W Sunset Hwy…near store
- 509-244-4275…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………12825 W Sunset Hwy…far away
- 509-244-4273…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………12825 W Sunset Hwy…far away
- 509-256-3379…Boggan’s Oasis…………….61376 Hwy 129
- 509-256-3435…Bubba’s Country Store………40415 Hwy 129
- 509-243-1010…Asotin Market……………..204 1st St
- 509-243-1011…Asotin Market……………..204 1st St
- 509-243-4140…Cenex Gas Station………….90 2nd St
- 509-932-4837…Texaco Mini Mart…………..20476 B St SW
- 509-932-5762…Texaco Mini Mart…………..20476 B St SW
- 509-689-0165…Chevron Mini Mart………….715 Hwy 97
- 509-689-1174…Chevron Mini Mart………….715 Hwy 97
- 509-689-9936…Texaco Mini Mart…………..26048 Hwy 97
- 509-689-9921…Texaco Mini Mart…………..26048 Hwy 97
- 509-686-9914……………………………1042 Columbia Av
- 509-686-9910……………………………410 12th St
- 509-865-3953..Buena Tavern………………670 Buena Rd
- 509-865-7569…Gold Nugget Market…………1041 Buena Rd
- 509-546-9256…Shell Sun Mart…………….Humorist Rd
- 509-546-9251…Shell Sun Mart…………….Humorist Rd
- 509-997-2010…Carlton Mall………………2253 Hwy 153
- 509-782-9992…Hometown Market……………300 N Division St…
- 509-782-9972…Laundromat………………..304 Sunset Hwy
- 509-782-1099…Liquor Store………………202 Cottage Ave
- 509-782-1995…Martin’s Market Place………130 Tichenal Way
- 509-782-9500…Picadilly Pizza……………5607 Sunset Hwy
- 509-782-9393…Texaco Mini Mart…………..102 Tichenal Way
- 509-782-1909…Texaco Mini Mart…………..102 Tichenal Way
- 509-238-6096..Conoco Mini Mart…………..28312 N US Hwy 2…
- 509-292-9854..Conoco Mini Mart…………..34610 N US Hwy 2…
- 509-238-9909…Post Office……………….3616 E Chattaroy Rd…
- 509-292-9994..Riverside Family Foods……..34710 N US Hwy 2…
- 509-235-1892…Burger King……………….20 Parkway Dr…
- 509-235-8265…Cheney Trading Company……..4 E Marshall Rd
- 509-235-9990…Chevron Mini Mart………….2302 1st St
- 509-235-6190…Conoco Mini Mart…………..103 1st St
- 509-235-9936…Eastern Washington University Parking lot at 9th St & Elm St
- 509-235-8357…Mitchell’s IGA…………….116 W 1st St
- 509-235-1324…Safeway…………………..2710 1st St…
- 509-235-8383..TAJ Grocery……………….1122 1st St
- 509-935-8357…Cadillac City Truck Stop……2509 Hwy 395 S
- 509-935-0781…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1409 N Park
- 509-935-0780…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1409 N Park
- 509-935-9947…Double Eagle Casino………..2539-A Smith Rd
- 509-935-9906…McDonald’s………………..501 S Park
- 509-935-0852…Safeway…………………..10 W Colville Ave
- 509-758-9908…Albertsons………………..400 Bridge St
- 509-758-9907…Albertsons………………..400 Bridge St
- 509-758-9009…Amoco Mini Mart……………507 5th St
- 509-758-9826…Astor Motel……………….1201 Bridge St
- 509-758-9827…Astor Motel……………….1201 Bridge St
- 509-758-9032…Burger King……………….407 Bridge St
- 509-758-9901…Chief Timothy State Park……Hwy 12, mp 426…west end
- 509-758-2899…Chief Timothy State Park……Hwy 12, mp 426…middle of park
- 509-758-9906…Costco……………………301 5th St
- 509-758-9909…Exxon Zip Trip…………….1227 Bridge St
- 509-758-9904…Exxon Zip Trip…………….1227 Bridge St
- 509-758-9020…Food City…………………Appleside Blvd & 5th Av
- 509-758-9010…Food City…………………Appleside Blvd & 5th Av
- 509-758-1812…Highland Market IGA………..1401 13th St
- 509-758-9015…Highland Market IGA………..1401 13th St
- 509-758-1813…Highland Market IGA………..1401 13th St
- 509-758-2867…Lewis Clark Moose Lodge #751..814 6th St
- 509-758-9913…McDonald’s………………..350 Bridge St
- 509-758-2827…Paraíso Vallarta…………..518 Bridge St
- 509-758-9005…Stinker Station……………423 Diagonal St
- 509-758-9001…Swallow’s Nest Grocery……..1720 5th St
- 509-758-2856…Swallows Park Boat Ramp…….2300 Riverside Dr
- 509-758-2872…Texaco Mini Mart…………..200 Diagonal St
- 509-758-1816…Wasem’s Rexall Drugs……….806 6th St
- 509-758-9941……………………………511 3rd St
- 509-758-9028……………………………303 Bridge St
- 509-758-9900……………………………905 Bridge St
- 509-758-2898……………………………905 Bridge St
Cle Elum
- 509-674-9957…Burger King……………….810 W 1st St
- 509-674-9946…Chevron Mini Mart………….201 W 1st St
- 509-674-4570…Chevron Mini Mart………….201 W 1st St
- 509-674-4572…Conoco Gas Station…………102 E 1st St
- 509-674-9969…Cottage Cafe………………911 E 1st St
- 509-674-4581…Dairy Queen……………….302 E 1st St
- 509-674-9943…Homestead Barbeque…………Hwy 903
- 509-674-7741…Indian John Rest Area………I-90 eastbound, mp 89
- 509-674-7743…Indian John Rest Area………I-90 eastbound, mp 89
- 509-674-7742…Indian John Rest Area………I-90 eastbound, mp 89…separate
- 509-674-7770…Indian John Rest Area………I-90 westbound, mp 89
- 509-674-7760…Indian John Rest Area………I-90 westbound, mp 89
- 509-674-7781…McKean’s Drive In………….1011 E 1st St
- 509-857-9993…Mineral Springs Resort……..27510 Hwy 97
- 509-674-3961…Safeway…………………..804 W 1st St…
- 509-674-0440…Safeway…………………..806 W 1st St…near gas station
- 509-674-9971…Shell Mini Mart……………207 W 1st St
- 509-674-4571…Shell Mini Mart……………207 W 1st St
- 509-649-9976…Texaco Mini Mart…………..4400 Bullfrog Rd
- 509-674-7783…Twin Pines Drive In………..1901 Hwy 970
- 509-674-4576…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..1000 E 1st St
- 509-238-9650..Colbert Trading Co…………18711 N Yale Rd…
- 509-397-9986…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 26 & Hwy 195
- 509-397-9578…Jackpot Mini Mart………….804 N Main
- 509-397-9500…Jackpot Mini Mart………….804 N Main
- 509-397-9554…Mower Medic……………….616 S Main
- 509-397-9550…Rosauers………………….632 N Main
- 509-397-9551…Rosauers………………….632 N Main
- 509-229-8898…City Park…………………705 Broadway…
- 509-684-9961…Arden 1 Stop………………545-B Hwy 395 S
- 509-684-8039…Beaver Lodge………………2430 Hwy 20 E
- 509-684-9957…Chevron Mini Mart………….370 W 5th Ave
- 509-684-8042…Colville High School……….154 Hwy 20 E
- 509-684-8005…Conoco Gas Station…………285 W 5th Ave
- 509-684-9967…Exxon Mini Mart……………855 S Main St
- 509-684-9952…Exxon Mini Mart……………855 S Main St
- 509-684-8036…Jackpot Mini Mart………….750 N Hwy 395
- 509-684-8018…Jackpot Mini Mart………….750 N Hwy 395
- 509-684-8004…The Pro Shop………………152 N Main St
- 509-684-8090…Ronnie D’s Drive In………..505 N Lincoln St
- 509-684-2283..Safeway…………………..391 N Main St…right side
- 509-684-4192..Safeway…………………..391 N Main St…gas station
- 509-684-9932…Super 1 Foods……………..1250 N Hwy 395
- 509-684-9931…Super 1 Foods……………..1250 N Hwy 395
- 509-684-9926…Wal-Mart………………….810 N Hwy 395…west entrance
- 509-685-2367…Wal-Mart………………….810 N Hwy 395…east entrance
- 509-684-9927…Wal-Mart………………….810 N Hwy 395…customer service area
- 509-684-9928…Wal-Mart………………….810 N Hwy 395…layaway area
- 509-234-9990…Bafus Pharmacy…………….130 N Columbia Av
- 509-234-8259…Conoco Mini Mart…………..790 S Pence Rd…
- 509-234-0395…Exxon Mini Mart……………660 S Columbia Av
- 509-234-2450…Golden Harvest Restaurant…..314 S Columbia Av
- 509-234-1032…Hatton Coulee Rest Area…….State Hwy 26, mp 61…
- 509-234-0125…Lep-re-kon Harvest Foods……620 S Columbia Av
- 509-234-9970…Michael Jay’s Restaurant……710 S Columbia Av
- 509-234-2780…Quik Mart…………………457 S Columbia Av
Coulee City
- 509-632-5295…Big Wally’s……………….9944 US Hwy 2 E…
- 509-632-5297…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..State Highway 17 & US Highway 2…
- 509-678-9997…Fred’s Food Center…………16850 Summitview
- 509-636-3730…CenturyTel………………..Watson St…
- 509-779-4814…Curlew Store………………2 River St
- 509-779-4253…Curlew Store………………2 River St
- 509-779-4647…Gas Station……………….Hwy 21 & Kettle River Rd
- 509-445-9922…Blueslide Resort…………..400041 Hwy 20
- 509-445-9919…Cusick High School…………303 Monumental Way
- 509-445-0218…Shell Mini Mart……………613 Winchester St
- 509-725-0614…Black Bear Motel…………..30 Logan St
- 509-725-2619…Cenex Mini Mart……………300 Morgan St
- 509-725-9950…Davenport Food City………..530 Morgan
- 509-725-5717..Fort Spokane Store…………State Highway 25 & Miles-Creston Rd…
- 509-725-8998..Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 1308 12th
- 509-725-8241…Safeway…………………..1208 Morgan
- 509-725-8423…Seven Bays Marina Store…….Seven Bays Rd…
- 509-722-5273..Texaco Mini Mart…………..6828 State Hwy 25 S…
- 509-722-3256..Two Rivers Casino………….6828 State Hwy 25 S…
- 509-382-????…Foodliner…………………516 W Main
- 509-382-3071…Foodliner…………………516 W Main
- 509-382-3072…Freddie’s Food Market………330 E Main
- 509-382-9811…Texaco Mini Mart…………..426 W Main
Deer Park
- 509-276-9984…Chevron Mini Mart………….1100 S Main Ave…
- 509-276-9300…Chevron Mini Mart………….1100 S Main Ave…
- 509-262-9902..Discount Groceries…………124 E Crawford St…
- 509-276-9950..Double Eagle Pawn………….801 S Main Ave…
- 509-276-5036..Exxon Expressway…………..115 E Crawford St…
- 509-276-5030..Levi’s Minit Mart………….109 W 4th St…
- 509-276-5032..Rosauers………………….715 S Fir Ave…north entrance
- 509-276-9990..Rosauers………………….715 S Fir Ave…south entrance
- 509-276-9326..Shell Mini Mart……………23312 N US Hwy 395…
- 509-276-9306..Unicorn Mercantile…………116 E Crawford St…
- 509-276-9985…Yoke’s Fresh Market………..900 S Main Ave
- 509-276-9987…Yoke’s Fresh Market………..900 S Main Ave
- 509-782-9970…Dryden Grocery…………….6836 Dryden Av
- 509-782-9510……………………………Dryden Av & Main St
East Wenatchee
- 509-884-0845…Abby’s Pizza………………702 Grant Rd
- 509-884-9131…The Bon Marché…………….511 Valley Mall Pkwy
- 509-886-9327…Burger King……………….610 Grant Rd
- 509-886-9903…Carmichael’s Grocery……….3330 Sunset Hwy
- 509-886-9904…Carmichael’s Grocery……….3330 Sunset Hwy
- 509-881-2119…Food Pavilion……………..315 Valley Mall Pkwy
- 509-881-2559…Food Pavilion……………..315 Valley Mall Pkwy
- 509-886-9932…Fred Meyer………………..11 Grant Rd…south entrance
- 509-886-9942…Fred Meyer………………..11 Grant Rd…south entrance
- 509-884-9918…McDonald’s………………..280 Valley Mall Pkwy
- 509-884-9970…One Stop………………….209 Grant Rd
- 509-886-9911…Papa Murphy’s Pizza………..505 Grant Rd
- 509-884-9974…Safeway…………………..510 Grant Rd…inside
- 509-884-9963…Safeway…………………..510 Grant Rd…inside
- 509-881-2733…Safeway…………………..510 Grant Rd…gas station
- 509-884-9998…Seven Eleven………………87 9th St NE
- 509-884-9981…Seven Eleven………………87 9th St NE
- 509-884-9969…Seven Eleven………………87 9th St NE
- 509-886-4487…Shari’s…………………..501 Valley Mall Pkwy
- 509-886-3720…Shell Mini Mart……………111 Grant Rd
- 509-886-3730…Shell Mini Mart……………111 Grant Rd
- 509-884-3268…Shell Mini Mart……………13228 US Hwy 2…
- 509-884-9955…Top Foods…………………10 Grant Rd
- 509-884-9965…Top Foods…………………10 Grant Rd
- 509-884-9770…Wenatchee Valley Mall………511 Valley Mall Pkwy…hallway near Gottschalks
- 509-884-9780…Wenatchee Valley Mall………511 Valley Mall Pkwy…hallway near Gottschalks
- 509-884-9790…Wenatchee Valley Mall………511 Valley Mall Pkwy…north entrance
- 509-884-9701…Wenatchee Valley Mall………511 Valley Mall Pkwy…north entrance
- 509-886-9908…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..96 Grant Rd
- 509-886-9909…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..96 Grant Rd
- 509-656-9970…CB’s Cafe & Grocery………..Railroad Av
- 509-656-2672…Post Office……………….Railroad Av
- 509-656-2670…Shell Mini Mart……………2600 Sparks Rd
- 509-656-2671…Shell Mini Mart……………2600 Sparks Rd
- 509-292-9935…Jerry’s Landing……………41114 N Lake Shore Rd
- 509-292-9991..Miller’s One Stop………….39824 N Hwy 2…north side
- 509-963-9973…Albertsons………………..705 N Ruby
- 509-925-9920…Arby’s……………………1404 Canyon Rd
- 509-962-9907…Bar 14 Ranch House…………Canyon Rd, N of I-90
- 509-925-9943…Best Western Ellensburg Inn…1700 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9942…Best Western Ellensburg Inn…1700 Canyon Rd
- 509-963-9910..Bi-Mart…………………..608 E Mountain View Ave…
- 509-962-9979…Big B Mini Mart……………1611 Canyon Rd…
- 509-962-9925…Big B Mini Mart……………1611 Canyon Rd…inside
- 509-925-9901…Burger King……………….1410 Canyon Rd…
- 509-963-9969…Canyon Deli Mart…………..1703 Canyon Rd…inside
- 509-963-9971…Canyon Deli Mart…………..1703 Canyon Rd…
- 509-925-9960…Casa de Blanca…………….1318 Canyon Rd
- 509-963-9966…Chevron Gas Station………..1710 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9919…Chevron Mini Mart………….1404 Dolarway
- 509-962-9949..Circle K………………….204 S Main
- 509-963-9927…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1503 Hwy 97
- 509-925-9978…Dairy Queen……………….1601 Cascade Way
- 509-962-9901..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9995..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9998..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9957..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9958..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd
- 509-962-9971..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd
- 509-962-9978..Flying J Travel Plaza………2300 Canyon Rd…
- 509-925-9970..Fred Meyer………………..201 S Water St…south entrance
- 509-963-9900..Fred Meyer………………..201 S Water St…south entrance
- 509-963-9901..Fred Meyer………………..201 S Water St…north entrance
- 509-963-9903..Fred Meyer………………..201 S Water St…north entrance
- 509-925-9900…Harold’s Motel…………….601 N Water St
- 509-962-9953…Happy’s Market…………….207 W University Way
- 509-925-9911…Kittitas County Office Bldg…501 N Nanum St
- 509-925-9972…Leaton’s Restaurant………..2202 Canyon Rd…inside
- 509-925-9902…Leaton’s Restaurant………..2202 Canyon Rd…
- 509-962-9951…McDonald’s………………..1304 Canyon Rd
- 509-963-9906…Mr G’s Grocery…………….8th & Chestnut
- 509-962-9967…Perkins…………………..1504 Hwy 97
- 509-925-9959…Perkins…………………..1504 Hwy 97
- 509-963-9912…Pilot Travel Center………..1512 Hwy 97
- 509-963-9914…Pilot Travel Center………..1512 Hwy 97
- 509-963-9909…Pilot Travel Center………..1512 Hwy 97
- 509-962-9958…Post Office……………….3rd Av & Pearl St
- 509-963-9902…Rite Aid………………….700 S Main
- 509-925-9902…Safeway…………………..400 N Ruby St…
- 509-962-9906..Seven Eleven………………1001 E University Way…
- 509-963-9928..Seven Eleven………………112 W University Way…
- 509-963-9929..Seven Eleven………………112 W University Way…
- 509-963-9937…Shell Sun Mart…………….1600 Canyon Rd
- 509-963-9938…Shell Sun Mart…………….1600 Canyon Rd
- 509-962-9914…Shoes Unlimited……………706 E University Way
- 509-925-9962…Super 1 Foods……………..200 E Mt View
- 509-925-9963…Super 1 Foods……………..200 E Mt View
- 509-962-9908…The Palace………………..323 N Main St
- 509-962-9901..Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..1405 Dolarway…
- 509-963-9974…Windbreak Deli…………….1716 Canyon Rd
- 509-963-9975…Windbreak Deli…………….1716 Canyon Rd
- 509-925-9952……………………………4th Av & Pearl St
- 509-925-9951……………………………4th Av & Pine St
- 509-657-9935……………………………3rd St & D St
- 509-754-5591…Chevron Mini Mart………….203 Basin St NW
- 509-754-9082…Exxon Mini Mart……………1154 Basin St SW
- 509-754-2093…Exxon Mini Mart……………1750 Basin St SW
- 509-754-2482…McDonald’s………………..1010 Basin St SW
- 509-754-9917…Oasis Park………………..2541 Basin St SW…
- 509-754-9094…Qwest…………………….108 C St SW
- 509-754-9025…Rite Aid………………….195 3rd Ave SW
- 509-754-0440…Safeway…………………..1150 Basin St SW…gas station
- 509-754-9924…Shell Mini Mart……………302 Basin St SW
- 509-754-9929…Shell Mini Mart……………785 Basin St NW
- 509-754-9913…Texaco Mini Mart…………..1352 Basin St SW
- 509-754-9914…Texaco Mini Mart…………..1352 Basin St SW
- 509-754-9011…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd… west entrance
- 509-754-9012…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd… west entrance
- 509-754-9013…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd…inside customer service area
- 509-754-9014…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd…inside customer service area
- 509-754-9015…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd…inside layway area
- 509-754-9001…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd…inside east entrance
- 509-754-9002…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1399 Southeast Blvd… east entrance
- 509-754-2092……………………………365 Basin St SW…
- 509-291-4602…Freeman Store……………..14510 S Hwy 27
- 509-258-9971..Ford Trading Post………….5225 Main St…
- 509-785-6464..Colonial Grocery…………..Montmorency Blvd & Washington Way
- 509-785-9980…Exxon Mini Mart……………Royal Anne Ave
- 509-785-9922…Exxon Mini Mart……………Royal Anne Ave
- 509-785-9977…Martha Inn Cafe……………600 Frontage Rd
- 509-785-9966…Martha Inn Cafe……………600 Frontage Rd
- 509-785-9950…Shell Mini Mart……………I-90 exit 151
- 509-785-9960…Shell Mini Mart……………I-90 exit 151
- 509-785-4703…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..Royal Anne Ave
- 509-785-4804…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..Royal Anne Ave
- 509-773-3029…Chevron Quickie Mart……….Hwy 97 & Simcoe Dr
- 509-773-6210…Homestead Restaurant……….Hwy 97 & Simcoe Dr
- 509-773-4358…McDonald’s………………..Hwy 97 & Simcoe Dr
Grand Coulee
- 509-633-9905…Automated Gas Station………Hwy 155
- 509-633-9809…Exxon Mini Mart……………Hwy 155
- 509-633-9881…GCD Chamber of Commerce…….Hwy 155
- 509-633-9812…Safeway…………………..Hwy 155
- 509-633-9842…Safeway…………………..Hwy 155
- 509-854-2421…Eddie’s OK Tire Store………Bailey Av & E Av
- 509-854-6312…Frutería Michoacan…………3rd St & Main St
- 509-854-9902…Garcia’s………………….105 N Main St
- 509-854-9920…Granger General Store………101 E 1st St
- 509-854-9921…Granger General Store………101 E 1st St
- 509-854-1340…Post Office……………….104 S Main St
- 509-854-1431…Pronto Food Center…………103 S Main St
- 509-854-1416…Pronto Food Center…………103 S Main St
- 509-854-2675……………………………Bailey Av &LaPierre Av
- 509-442-3626…Airport Grocery……………Hwy 31
- 509-442-9004…Porter’s Plaza…………….103 S 2nd
- 509-442-9003…Riverview Inn……………..142 Riverside St
- 509-442-9001……………………………410 Main St
- 509-282-9900…Automated Gas Station………Hwy 260 & Hwy 263
- 509-282-9997…Kahlotus City Hall…………Weston St
- 509-735-9906…Best……………………..1220 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-8953…Burger King……………….7407 W Canal Dr
- 509-735-9902…Cavanaugh’s (near restaurant) 1101 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-735-9923…Cavanaugh’s (near meeting…..1101 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-735-9931…Cavanaugh’s ………..rooms) 1101 N Columbia Center Blvd
- Columbia Center Mall
509-736-9501…North Corridor…………….Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9504…North Corridor…………….Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9502…South Corridor…………….Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9503…South Corridor…………….Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9507…Center Corridor……………Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9506…Center Corridor……………Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9510…Southwest Corridor…………Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9512…Southwest Corridor…………Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9513…Northwest Corridor…………Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-736-9515…Northwest Corridor…………Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-8925…Columbia Center Movie Theater Behind the Mall
- 509-783-8938…JCPenney………………….Columbia Center Mall
509-783-8994…Country Gentleman Restaurant..300 N Ely- 509-735-9942…Dairy Queen……………….3150 W Clearwater
- 509-783-6946…Exxon Sun Mart…………….7707 W Deschutes
- 509-783-9728…Exxon Sun Mart…………….7707 W Deschutes
- 509-735-9980…Godfather’s Pizza………….1218 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-8935…K Mart……………………7501 W Canal Dr
- 509-783-8931…KFC………………………901 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-1509…Lowe’s……………………1020 N Colorado St
- 509-783-1639…Lowe’s……………………1020 N Colorado St
- 509-783-8984…Price Chopper……………..731 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-735-9938…Price Chopper……………..731 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-0905…Shari’s restaurant…………1200 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-8919…Shell Sun Mart…………….5301 W Canal Dr
- 509-783-8996…ShopKo……………………867 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-735-9975…ShopKo……………………867 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-8901…Sizzler…………………..3200 W Clearwater
- 509-783-8915…Target……………………1106 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-783-8908…Target……………………1106 N Columbia Center Blvd
- 509-735-9929…Wendy’s…………………..3115 W Clearwater
Kettle Falls
- 509-738-6900…Barney’s Restaurant………..Hwy 395 & Hwy 20
- 509-738-4275…Chevron Mini Mart………….1050 W 3rd Av
- 509-738-6907…Chevron Mini Mart………….1050 W 3rd Av
- 509-738-2513…Exxon Mini Mart……………Hwy 395/20 & Myers St
- 509-738-6549…Harvest Foods……………..260 W 3rd Ave
- 509-968-9915…Johnny’s Serv-U……………100 S Main St
- 509-968-9900..Shell Mini Mart……………I-90 exit 115
- 509-968-9909…Unocal 76 Gas Station………I-90 exit 115
La Crosse
- 509-549-9950…Central Ferry State Park……Hwy 127
- 509-549-9956…Pioneer Telephone Company…..215 S Main St
- 509-549-9959……………………………Hwy 26 & Hwy 127
- 509-548-6569…Bavarian Beer Garden……….8th St & Commercial St
- 509-548-6863…Chevron Mini Mart………….920 Hwy 2
- 509-548-4818…Chevron Mini Mart………….920 Hwy 2
- 509-763-1308…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 2 & Hwy 207, SE corner
- 509-548-9610…Dan’s Food Market………….1329 Hwy 2
- 509-548-4912…Innsbrucker Motel………….703 Hwy 2
- 509-548-6103…Kristall’s Restaurant………280 Hwy 2
- 509-763-9943…Nason Creek Rest Area………Hwy 2, mp 81
- 509-763-9983…Nason Creek Rest Area………Hwy 2, mp 81
- 509-548-6573…Post Office Tavern…………213 9th St
- 509-548-9932…Safeway…………………..116 Riverbend Dr…
- 509-548-9962…Safeway…………………..116 Riverbend Dr…
- 509-548-2381…Safeway Gas Station………..116 Riverbend Dr…
- 509-548-5106…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..585 Hwy 2
- 509-548-9925…Verizon…………………..729 Front St
- 509-548-6919……………………………9th St & Front St
Liberty Lake
- 509-891-9631…Albertsons………………..1304 N Liberty Lake Rd…
- 509-891-9766..Chevron Mini Mart………….1109 N Liberty Lake Rd
- 509-891-9765..Chevron Mini Mart………….1109 N Liberty Lake Rd
- 509-891-9602…McDonald’s………………..1306 N Liberty Lake Rd
- 509-893-8761…Safeway…………………..1233 N Liberty Lake Rd
- 509-891-9809…Shell Mini Mart……………21804 E Mission
- 509-891-9808…Shell Mini Mart……………21804 E Mission
- 509-928-9849…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1502 N Liberty Lake Rd
- 509-928-9770…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1502 N Liberty Lake Rd
- 509-677-8829..Jim’s Market………………113 W 2nd St…
- 509-677-9891…Schrag Rest Area…………..I-90 eastbound, mp 199
- 509-677-9890…Schrag Rest Area…………..I-90 westbound, mp 199
Loon Lake
- 509-233-8195…All Seasons Grocery………..3942 Hwy 292
- 509-233-9412…Conoco Mini Mart…………..3937 Gardenspot Rd
- 509-233-9452…Exxon Mini Mart……………Colville Rd & Hwy 292
- 509-233-9451…Exxon Mini Mart……………Colville Rd & Hwy 292
- 509-233-8197…Loon Lake Laundry Center……3935 Gardenspot Rd
- 509-365-9500…Chamberlain Lake Rest Area….Hwy 14, mp 74
- 509-779-0507…Malo Store………………..17510 N Hwy 21
- 509-345-9981……………………………204 Urquhart
- 509-932-9335…Desert Flower Restaurant……124 Frontier St
- 509-932-5987…Ken’s Korner Suds………….200 Portage Rd
- 509-932-5971…Ken’s Korner Suds………….200 Portage Rd
- 509-932-3143…Lep-Re-Kon Harvest Foods……102 Brian Av
- 509-932-4371…Mattawa IGA……………….Government Rd & William Av
- 509-932-5180…Mattawa IGA……………….Government Rd & William Av
- 509-932-2419…Mini Mart…………………102 Selkirk Av
- 509-932-6476…Mini Mart…………………102 Selkirk Av
- 509-932-5306…Shell Mini Mart……………723 Government Rd
- 509-932-5318…Shell Mini Mart……………723 Government Rd
- 509-932-9351…Sprint……………………112 E 1st St
- 509-932-4726…Texaco Mini Mart…………..88 Government Rd
- 509-932-4938…Texaco Mini Mart…………..88 Government Rd
- 509-932-4217…Texaco Mini Mart…………..503 Thunderbird Way S…east side
- 509-932-4470…Texaco Mini Mart…………..503 Thunderbird Way S…north side
- 509-932-4346……………………………416 Government Rd
- 509-932-5544……………………………416 Government Rd
- 509-932-5450……………………………Government Rd & Riverview Av
- 509-996-3549…Mazama Store………………50 Lost River Rd
- 509-466-9927…Glenn’s Foods……………..11810 N Market St…
- 509-466-9956……………………………12305 N Market St…
Medical Lake
- 509-299-7173..Conoco Mini Mart…………..702 E State Hwy 902…
- 509-299-3648..Denny’s Harvest Foods………215 E State Hwy 902…
- 509-299-9718..Pine Lodge Corrections Center 751 S Pine St…inmate phone
- 509-299-9708..Pine Lodge Corrections Center 751 S Pine St…inmate phone
- 509-299-9725..Pine Lodge Corrections Center 751 S Pine St…inmate phone
- 509-299-9720..Pine Lodge Corrections Center 751 S Pine St…inmate phone
- 509-299-6616…………………………..210 S Broad St…
- 509-265-4235…Mesa Builder’s Supply………106 N 1st Av
- 509-265-4325…Mesa Grocery………………N 1st Av
- 509-446-9006…Selkirk High School………..10372 Hwy 31
- 509-446-2336…Whitty’s Mini Mart…………Hwy 31 & Selkirk St
Metaline Falls
- 509-446-9004…Historic Washington Hotel…..5th Ave & Washington St
- 509-891-9630…Albertsons………………..8851 E Trent Ave…
- 509-891-9629…Albertsons Express…………8915 E Trent Ave…
- 509-928-9865…Dairy Queen……………….8843 E Trent
- 509-891-9612…Seven Eleven………………3409 N Argonne Rd…
Moses Lake
- 509-765-9819…Arctic Circle……………..221 S Pioneer Way
- 509-766-9528…Best Western Hallmark Inn…..3000 W Marina Dr
- 509-766-9529…Best Western Hallmark Inn…..3000 W Marina Dr
- 509-766-9530…Best Western Hallmark Inn…..3000 W Marina Dr
- 509-766-9904…Burger King……………….2461 Maiers Rd
- 509-766-9522…Burger King……………….721 N Stratford Rd
- 509-766-9525…Cascade Grocery……………8034 Valley Rd NE…
- 509-766-9526…Cascade Grocery……………8034 Valley Rd NE…
- 509-766-9505…Chevron Mini Mart………….1014 W Broadway
- 509-765-9938…Chevron Mini Mart………….1014 W Broadway
- 509-766-9517…College Apartments…………4278 Grape Dr NE…
- 509-762-8334..Conoco Mini Mart…………..5053 Airway Dr NE…
- 509-762-8337..Conoco Mini Mart…………..5053 Airway Dr NE…
- 509-765-9984…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1802 E Kittleson…
- 509-765-9966…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1802 E Kittleson…inside
- 509-765-9921…Dairy Queen……………….1117 S Pioneer Way
- 509-766-9875…Denny’s…………………..1765 E Kittleson
- 509-765-9517…El Papagayo……………….1165 N Stratford Rd
- 509-766-9527..Ernie’s Truck Stop…………1810 E Kittleson Rd…
- 509-766-9529..Ernie’s Truck Stop…………1810 E Kittleson Rd…inside phone room
- 509-766-9530..Ernie’s Truck Stop…………1810 E Kittleson Rd…inside phone room
- 509-766-9585…Exxon Mini Mart……………3000 W Broadway
- 509-766-9504..Exxon Mini Mart……………1725 E Kittleson Rd…
- 509-762-8333…Exxon Mini Mart……………5219 Patton Blvd NE…
- 509-765-9810…Exxon Mini Mart……………1158 N Stratford Rd
- 509-765-9836…Exxon Mini Mart……………1158 N Stratford Rd
- 509-766-9509..Exxon Mini Mart……………11852 Wheeler Rd…
- 509-765-9889…Factory Outlet Floor Covering 530 W Valley Rd
- 509-765-9800..Fashion Bug……………….601 S Pioneer Way #C
- 509-766-9582…Food Pavilion……………..911 N Stratford Rd…
- 509-766-9583…Food Pavilion……………..911 N Stratford Rd…
- 509-766-9573..Hastings………………….601 S Pioneer Way
- 509-766-9503…Hillstop………………….1253 S Pioneer Way
- 509-765-9837…KFC………………………411 E 3rd Av
- 509-765-9824…Jack in the Box……………506 Wheeler Rd
- 509-766-9506..Lep-re-Kon Harvest Foods……2709 W Broadway…
- 509-766-9590…McDonald’s………………..1795 E Kittleson Rd
- 509-766-9512…McDonald’s………………..825 N Stratford Rd
- 509-766-9541…Moses Lake Aquatic Center…..W 4th Av…
- 509-766-9540…Moses Lake Aquatic Center…..W 4th Av…inside
- 509-766-9501…Perkins…………………..412 Interlake Rd
- 509-765-9902…Pizza Hut…………………205 S Pioneer Way
- 509-765-9843…Rite Aid………………….500 S Pioneer Way
- 509-766-9453..Shari’s…………………..1820 E Kittleson Rd
- 509-766-9514…Shell Mini Mart……………2777 W Broadway
- 509-766-9513…Shell Mini Mart……………2777 W Broadway
- 509-765-3336..Shell Mini Mart……………2481 S Maiers Rd…
- 509-766-9536…Shell Mini Mart……………710 N Stratford Rd
- 509-766-9717…Shell Mini Mart……………518 W Valley Rd
- 509-766-9502…Shell Mini Mart……………518 W Valley Rd
- 509-766-9524…Subway……………………1520 S Pioneer Way
- 509-765-9956…Switch and Save Mini Mart…..1819 E Kittleson
- 509-766-9516..Tienda El Jazmin…………..200 W Broadway…
- 509-766-9588…The UPS Store……………..601 S Pioneer Way
- 509-766-9451..Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..2224 W Broadway
- 509-765-9820…Wal-Mart SuperCenter……….1005 N Stratford Rd…north entrance
- 509-765-9821…Wal-Mart SuperCenter……….1005 N Stratford Rd…customer service area
- 509-765-9909…Wal-Mart SuperCenter……….1005 N Stratford Rd…layaway dept
509-766-9518…Lake Bowl…………………1165 N Stratford Rd
- 509-454-9023…East Valley Market…………7208 Postma Rd
- 509-454-9026…East Valley Market…………7208 Postma Rd
- 509-454-9855…Moxee Empire Foods…………105 S Iler
- 509-454-9212…Post Office……………….202 E Seattle Av
- 509-457-9212……………………………Spokane St & Moxee St
- 509-653-1194…Drifter Restaurant…………10450 Hwy 12
- 509-653-1202…Drifter Restaurant…………10450 Hwy 12
- 509-653-2371…Slim’s Market……………..9951 Hwy 12
- 509-653-1201…Texaco Mini Mart…………..9881 Hwy 12
- 509-653-2553…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..10121 Hwy 12
- 509-658-2281…Whistling Jack Lodge……….20800 Hwy 410
- 509-658-2265…Whistling Jack Lodge……….20800 Hwy 410
Newman Lake
- 509-226-9852…Exxon Mini Mart……………25105 E Trent
- 509-226-0790…Exxon Mini Mart……………25105 E Trent
- 509-226-9900…Spokane River Rest Area…….I-90 exit 299
- 509-447-9976…A & D Mini Mart……………100 W Walnut St
- 509-447-5252..Hico Mini Mart…………….333111 US Hwy 2
- 509-447-9904…McDonald’s………………..422 N Newport Ave
- 509-447-4126…Safeway…………………..121 W Walnut…gas station
- 509-447-9914…Store N More………………5682 State Hwy 211
Nine Mile Falls
- 509-466-9903…Cenex Gas Station………….5998 State Hwy 291
- 509-467-9640…Nine Mile Store……………12602 N Nine Mile Rd
- 509-467-8917…Suncrest Supermarket……….5978 State Hwy 291…
- 509-466-9910…Sun Dance Golf Course………9725 N Nine Mile Rd
- 509-276-9970…Willow Bay Resort………….6607 State Hwy 291…
- 509-422-9889…Beeman’s Country Foods……..2406 Elmway…
- 509-422-4980…Chevron Mini Mart………….407 2nd Ave S…
- 509-422-4989…Chevron Mini Mart………….407 2nd Ave S…
- 509-422-4981…Flying B Mini Mart…………205 2nd Ave N…
- 509-422-9800…Flying B Mini Mart…………205 2nd Ave N…
- 509-422-9801…Okanogan Food Depot………..310 2nd Ave S…
- 509-422-9802…Okanogan Food Depot………..310 2nd Ave S…
- 509-826-9929…Arby’s……………………801 E Riverside Dr…
- 509-826-5979…Automated Gas Station………Dayton St…
- 509-826-9891…Burger King……………….600 Omache Dr…
- 509-826-9897…Chevron Mini Mart………….30 S Main St…
- 509-826-9988…Chevron Mini Mart………….30 S Main St…
- 509-826-5970…Gene’s Harvest Foods……….22 W Apple Ave…
- 509-422-4983…Gene’s Harvest Foods……….22 W Apple Ave…
- 509-826-9905..Jackpot Mini Mart………….414 Hanford St…
- 509-826-9973..Jackpot Mini Mart………….414 Hanford St…
- 509-826-9982…Omak Stampede Housing………236 Ferry St…
- 509-826-9906…Omak Visitor Center………..401 Omak Ave…
- 509-826-5974…Pardners Mini Mart…………600 Omache Dr…
- 509-826-9913…Rite Aid………………….609 Omache Dr…
- 509-826-0663…Safeway…………………..606 Omache Dr
- 509-826-9981…Shell Mini Mart……………800 E Riverside Dr…back side
- 509-826-9980…Shell Mini Mart……………800 E Riverside Dr…front side
- 509-826-5972…Stampede Mini Mart…………111 Riverside Dr…
- 509-826-5973…Stampede Mini Mart…………111 Riverside Dr…
- 509-826-9704…Wal-Mart………………….900 Engh Rd…east entrance
- 509-826-9705…Wal-Mart………………….900 Engh Rd…west entrance
- 509-826-9708…Wal-Mart………………….900 Engh Rd…customer service area
- 509-826-9703…Wal-Mart………………….900 Engh Rd…layaway area
- 509-784-9520…Cenex Mini Mart/Subway……..21318 US Hwy 97…
- 509-784-2154…Cenex Mini Mart/Subway……..21318 US Hwy 97…
- 509-488-7620…Akin’s Foods………………915 S 1st Av…
- 509-488-7626…Akin’s Foods………………915 S 1st Av…
- 509-488-7608…Akin’s Foods………………915 S 1st Av…inside
- 509-488-9119…Aresiana’s Flowers…………39 N 1st Av
- 509-331-9903..Bob’s Korner………………2098 W Bench Rd…
- 509-331-9904..Bob’s Korner………………2098 W Bench Rd…
- 509-488-9388…Burger King……………….S 1st Av
- 509-331-9901..Chevron Mini Mart………….1235 S 1st Ave…
- 509-488-9103…KFC/A&W…………………..1180 S 1st Av
- 509-488-9353…Lep-re-kon Harvest Foods……1115 E Main St
- 509-488-9354…Lep-re-kon Harvest Foods……1115 E Main St
- 509-346-2980…MarDon Resort……………..8198 Hwy 262 E
- 509-346-2981…MarDon Resort……………..8198 Hwy 262 E
- 509-488-7605…McDonald’s………………..445 E Main St
- 509-488-9372…New Life Fitness…………..2105 W Branch Rd
- 509-488-7676…Qwest…………………….136 S 1st Av
- 509-488-9363…Shell Mini Mart……………1220 S 1st Av
- 509-488-9364…Shell Mini Mart……………1220 S 1st Av
- 509-488-9385…Taquería Guerrero………….1149 E Main St
- 509-488-9476…Unocal 76 Mini Mart………..1298 S 1st Av
- 509-488-9124…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1860 E Main St…
- 509-488-9120…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1860 E Main St…
- 509-488-9126…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….1860 E Main St…layaway area
- 509-488-9370…Waterhole 17 Mini Mart……..1890 W Cunningham Rd
- 509-488-7609…………………………..425 E Main St
- 509-488-7672…………………………..425 E Main St
- 509-488-7660……………………………Hwy 24 & Baker St
Otis Orchards
- 509-226-9903…Exxon Mini Mart……………23905 E Wellesley…
- 509-777-2103..Otis Orchards Foods………..21121 E Wellesley…far away
- 509-777-2102..Otis Orchards Foods………..21121 E Wellesley…near bldg
- 509-878-9900…Palouse Market…………….215 E Main St
- 509-877-2468…Fruit Stand……………….Hwy 97 & 2nd Av
- 509-546-9014…Broadmoor Park Outlet Mall….Road 100
- 509-545-3911…Doubletree Hotel (Front Desk) 20th Av
- 509-545-3912…Doubletree Hotel (Front Desk) 20th Av
- 509-545-3913…Doubletree Hotel (Restaurant) 20th Av
- 509-545-3914…Doubletree Hotel (Restaurant) 20th Av
- 509-923-2092…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 97 & Hwy 153
- 509-923-2094…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 97 & Hwy 153
- 509-923-9906……………………………169 Pateros Mall
- 509-548-6511…Shell Mini Mart……………9522 Saunders Rd
- 509-548-6690…Shell Mini Mart……………9522 Saunders Rd
- 509-548-1402…Texaco Mini Mart…………..Hwy 2 & Hwy 97…far away
- 509-548-6643…Texaco Mini Mart…………..Hwy 2 & Hwy 97…near bldg
- 509-548-9935…Weigh Station……………..US Hwy 2, mp 105…
- 509-843-9960…Alpowa Summit Rest Area…….Hwy 12
- 509-843-9940…Donna’s Drive-In…………..14th Av & Main St
- 509-843-9904…Food City…………………718 Main St
- 509-843-1200…Owl Mini Mart……………..5th Av & Main St
- 509-843-9966…Pomeroy Foods……………..509 Columbia St
- 509-843-9972…Texaco Gas Station…………1918 Main St
- 509-849-9912…Prescott Market……………Hwy 124
- 509-849-9913……………………………Hwy 124 & D St
- 509-786-3489..Chevron Mini Mart………….20 Merlot Dr…
- 509-788-1549…Horse Heaven Hills Mini Mart..101 Merlot Dr…
- 509-788-1548…Horse Heaven Hills Mini Mart..101 Merlot Dr…
- 509-786-2549…North Woods Restaurant……..108 Merlot Dr
- 509-334-9907…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1455 SE Bishop Blvd
- 509-332-5043…Dissmore’s IGA…………….1205 N Grand Av…inside
- 509-334-9870…Higginson’s Home Furnishings..850 S Grand Av
- 509-334-9892…McDonald’s………………..1620 S Grand Av
- 509-334-9950…McDonald’s………………..400 NE Stadium Way
- 509-334-9845…Pullman-Moscow Airport……..3200 Airport Rd…inside terminal
- 509-334-9926…Pullman-Moscow Airport……..3200 Airport Rd…inside terminal
- 509-334-9847…Pullman-Moscow Airport……..3200 Airport Rd…inside terminal
- 509-334-9978…Pullman Police Department…..260 SE Kamiaken
- 509-334-9958…Rico’s……………………200 E Main St
- 509-332-8721…Safeway…………………..430 SE Bishop Blvd…left entrance
- 509-332-1438…Safeway…………………..430 SE Bishop Blvd…right entrance
- 509-332-4530…Safeway…………………..430 SE Bishop Blvd…gas station
- 509-332-8946…Shakers…………………..600 NE Colorado St
- 509-334-9800…Shell Convenience Store…….975 E Main
- 509-334-9906…ShopKo……………………1450 S Grand Av
- 509-334-9821…ShopKo……………………1450 S Grand Av
- 509-332-4707…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..770 N Grand Av
- 509-334-9971…Texaco Mini Mart…………..500 S Grand Av
- 509-333-9912…Washington State University…behind Troy Hall
- 509-334-9957…Washington State University…inside Bookstore
- 509-333-9937…Washington State University…near Tennis Courts
- 509-333-9840…Washington State University…NE Colorado St
- 509-333-9918…Washington State University… Perham Hall
- 509-333-9915…Washington State University… PE building
- 509-333-9822…Washington State University…South Fairway Playfield
- 509-334-9822…Zeppoz……………………780 SE Bishop Blvd
- 509-787-9933…Akin’s Foods………………106 F St SW
- 509-787-9937…Akin’s Foods………………106 F St SW
- 509-787-9919…Chevron Mini Mart………….603 Central Av S
- 509-787-9931…Harrington’s Drive In………901 Central Av S
- 509-787-9907…Jackpot Mini Mart………….208 F St SE
- 509-787-9915…Jake’s Meats………………6726 N Hwy 281
- 509-787-4227…McDonald’s………………..24 F St SW
- 509-787-9922…Quincy Valley Rest Area…….2171 Hwy 28 W
- 509-787-9910…Rosewood Mobile Park……….1112 Central Av S
- 509-787-9917…Shell Mini Mart……………223 F St SE
- 509-787-9905…Shell Mini Mart……………223 F St SE
- 509-787-9916…Trinidad Trading Post………9967 Rd W.8 NW
- 509-787-9902…Winchester Wasteway Rest Area I-90 eastbound, mp 161
- 509-787-9900…Winchester Wasteway Rest Area I-90 westbound, mp 161
- 509-796-3503..Colville’s Too Self Service…Hwy 2 & Hwy 231
- 509-775-0303…Anderson’s Grocery…………711 S Clark Av
- 509-775-1066…Anderson’s Grocery…………711 S Clark Av
- 509-775-3622…Big Gib Grocery……………30396 E Hwy 20
- 509-775-3452…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 20 & Hwy 21 S
- 509-775-3566…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 20 & Hwy 21 S
- 509-775-9980…Curlew Lake State Park……..974 Curlew Lake State Park Rd
- 509-775-3658…Pine Grove Junction………..16267 N Hwy 21
- 509-775-0390…Texaco Mini Mart…………..1201 S Clark Av
- 509-943-8966…Albertsons………………..1320 Lee Blvd
- 509-943-9645…Albertsons………………..1320 Lee Blvd
- 509-943-8953…Conoco Mini Mart…………..780 Stevens Dr
- 509-943-9651…Denny’s…………………..1301-A George Washington Way
- 509-943-9634…Denny’s…………………..1301-A George Washington Way
- 509-943-8963…Exxon Sun Mart…………….1401 George Washington Way
- 509-943-8911…Fred Meyer..(entry A)………101 Wellsian Way
- 509-943-8910…Fred Meyer..(entry A)………101 Wellsian Way
- 509-943-8909…Fred Meyer..(entry B)………101 Wellsian Way
- 509-943-8900…Fred Meyer..(entry B)………101 Wellsian Way
- 509-943-8908…Fred Meyer..(entry C)………101 Wellsian Way
- 509-943-8997…Jackpot Mini Mart………….500 George Washington Way
- 509-943-9666…Kadlec Medical Center………888 Swift Blvd..Emergency Room
- 509-943-8916…Kadlec Medical Center………888 Swift Blvd..Emergency Room
- 509-943-9610…Kadlec Medical Center………888 Swift Blvd..Main entrance
- 509-943-8921…Kadlec Medical Center………888 Swift Blvd..2nd flr main ent.
- 509-943-8922…Kadlec Medical Center………888 Swift Blvd..2nd flr Int. Care
- 509-943-8240…McDonald’s………………..101 Wellsian Way
- 509-946-1666…McDonald’s………………..101 Wellsian Way
- 509-783-8739…Metro Cinema………………Columbia Center Blvd N
- 509-943-9628…Post Office……………….815 Jadwin Av
- 509-943-9622…Post Office……………….815 Jadwin Av
- 509-943-9683…Rite Aid………………….1268 Lee Blvd
- 509-943-9644…Rite Aid………………….1743 George Washington Way
- 509-943-9690…Safeway…………………..1803 George Washington Way
- 509-943-9691…Safeway…………………..1803 George Washington Way
- 509-946-3126…Shari’s restaurant…………1745 George Washington Way
- 509-943-9696…Shilo Inn Rivershore……….50 Comstock Rd…near front desk
- 509-943-9633…Shilo Inn Rivershore……….50 Comstock Rd…near restaurant
- 509-943-9680…Shilo Inn Rivershore……….50 Comstock Rd…near restaurant
- 509-672-9991…Trout Lodge……………….27090 Hwy 12
- 509-659-4083…Automated Gas Station………W 1st
- 509-659-9814…Chevron Mini Mart………….101 W Galbreath Way…
- 509-659-9815…Chevron Mini Mart………….101 W Galbreath Way…
- 509-659-9870..Conoco Mini Mart…………..1201 W Baumann Rd…
- 509-659-9871..Conoco Mini Mart…………..1201 W Baumann Rd…
- 509-659-1139…Jake’s Cafe……………….1500 W 1st
- 509-659-4082…Jake’s Mini Mart…………..1500 W 1st
- 509-659-1471…Perkins…………………..1406 S Smittys Blvd
- 509-659-0211…Shell Mini Mart……………102 W Galbreath Way…
- 509-659-0679…Templin’s…………………I-90 exit 231…
- 509-659-4349…Templin’s…………………I-90 exit 231…inside
- 509-659-9950…Zip’s…………………….1203 S Smittys Blvd
Rock Island
- 509-886-0303…Shell Mini Mart……………100 Rock Island Dr
- 509-884-9956…Weigh Station……………..879 Hwy 28
- 509-291-9411…Mike’s Mini Store………….216 S 1st
- 509-384-5403…Riverview Mini Mart………..110 Frontage Rd
- 509-523-9931…Fire Department……………100 E 6th
- 509-523-9900…Horn School Safety Rest Area..Hwy 195, mp 60
- 509-523-9911…Horn School Safety Rest Area..Hwy 195, mp 60
- 509-649-9970…Pastime Tavern…………….204 W Pennsylvania Ave…
- 509-649-9998……………………………120 W Pennsylvania Ave…
Royal City
- 509-346-9902…Brownie’s Korner…………..Hwy 26 & Rd E SW
- 509-346-1644…Conoco Mini Mart…………..6987 Hwy 26 W
- 509-346-1537..Dave’s Restaurant………….125 Camelia St NW
- 509-346-2094..Dave’s Restaurant………….125 Camelia St NW
- 509-346-9923..El Ranchito……………….Camelia St NE
- 509-346-9954…Estudillo’s Food Store……..520 Camelia St NE
- 509-346-2984…Excell Foods………………150 Camelia St NW
- 509-346-2988…Post Office……………….Camelia St NW & Evergreen Av NW
- 509-346-2096…Tortilleria Camelia………..Camelia St NE
- 509-697-9963…AmPm……………………..777 N Park Center
- 509-697-9959…AmPm……………………..777 N Park Center
- 509-697-9929…Carlon Park……………….N Wenas Rd
- 509-697-9913…Cenex Gas Station………….110 E 1st Av
- 509-697-9912…Cenex Gas Station………….110 E 1st Av
- 509-697-9918…D&L Laundromat…………….711 N Park Center
- 509-697-9956…Jackpot Mini Mart………….301 S 1st St
- 509-697-9916…Lince Intermediate School…..316 W Naches Av
- 509-697-9943…Save on Foods……………..800 N Park Center
- 509-697-9942…Save on Foods……………..800 N Park Center
- 509-697-9930…Selah Civic Center…………216 S 1st St
- 509-697-9927…Selah High School………….801 N 1st St
- 509-697-9905…Selah Red Apple Market……..121 E 3rd
- 509-697-9919…Seven Eleven………………120 N 1st St
- 509-697-9928…Seven Eleven………………120 N 1st St
- 509-697-9945…Texaco Mini Mart…………..313 S 1st St
- 509-697-9925…Viking Village…………….S 1st St
- 509-697-9907…Wenas Feed & Rental………..1200 N Wenas Rd
Soap Lake
- 509-246-9965…Exxon Mini Mart……………1020 Division St S
- 509-246-9973…John’s Foods………………115 Daisy St S
- 509-246-9911…John’s Foods………………115 Daisy St S
- 509-246-9900…Royal View Motel…………..404 4th Av NE
- 509-246-0315…Shell Mini Mart……………15 Daisy St S
- 509-245-3102…Spangle Food Center………..Cheney Spangle Rd
- 509-459-9557…5th & Browne Medical Center…104 W 5th Ave…west building entrance
- 509-482-9811…A & W…………………….6730 N Division
- 509-324-9824..Advantage Wireless…………3422 N Division
- 509-459-9253…Ag Trade Center……………334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9579…Ag Trade Center……………334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9697…Ag Trade Center……………334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9796…Ag Trade Center……………334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9797…Ag Trade Center……………334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9556…Albertsons………………..510 E 37th Ave…
- 509-448-9471…Albertsons………………..3010 E 57th Ave…
- 509-468-9513…Albertsons………………..9001 N Indian Trail Rd…
- 509-468-9805…Albertsons Express…………8901 N Indian Trail Rd…
- 509-483-4396…Albertsons………………..6520 N Nevada…
- 509-324-9633…Albertsons………………..1617 Northwest Blvd…
- 509-468-9851…Albertsons………………..12312 N US Hwy 395…
- 509-483-4397…Albertsons Express…………6616 N Nevada…
- 509-324-9632…Albertsons Express…………1617 Northwest Blvd…
- 509-325-6110..Al’s Spa Tub Motel…………1421 N Division
- 509-747-9421..AMC Theater……………….814 W Main…4th floor
- 509-747-9424..AMC Theater……………….814 W Main…4th floor
- 509-747-9429..AMC Theater……………….814 W Main…4th floor
- 509-459-9851…Arby’s……………………328 W 3rd
- 509-459-9718…Arby’s……………………328 W 3rd
- 509-482-9839…Arby’s……………………6316 N Division
- 509-747-9853..Arctic Circle……………..1321 W 3rd
- 509-536-9891…Axel’s Pawn Shop…………..3301 E Sprague
- 509-489-9935…Bargain Giant Foods………..2103 E Empire
- 509-484-9894…Barnes and Noble…………..4750 N Division
- 509-487-9046…Bates Pharmacy…………….3704 N Nevada St…
- 509-777-1850…Bayou Brewing Company………1003 E Trent
- 509-459-9813…Best Western Peppertree Inn…3711 S Geiger Blvd
- 509-467-9941…Big 5…………………….7501 N Division
- 509-325-7767…Big Brothers & Sisters Bingo..930 N Monroe St…north entrance
- 509-325-7771…Big Brothers & Sisters Bingo..930 N Monroe St…north entrance
- 509-487-9020..Bluz Bar & Casino………….2721 N Market St
- 509-532-8743..Bollywood Market…………..1812 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-324-9834..Bong’s Grocery & Deli………2040 W Boone
- 509-324-9833..Bong’s Grocery & Deli………2040 W Boone
- 509-777-2249..Broadway Bar & Grill……….1811 W Broadway…
- 509-777-1884..Broadway Bar & Grill……….1811 W Broadway…inside
- 509-324-9822..Broadway Foods Parking Lot….2228 W Broadway
- 509-324-9821..Broadway Foods Parking Lot….2228 W Broadway
- 509-324-9745..Brown Derby Tavern…………808 W Garland Ave
- 509-482-9900…Bruchi’s………………….5422 N Division
- 509-747-9437…Budget Inn………………..110 E 4th
- 509-747-9442…Budget Inn………………..110 E 4th
- 509-536-8859…Burger King……………….3020 E 29th
- 509-325-7731…Burger King……………….1723 N Division
- 509-324-9717…Burger King……………….1806 W Francis
- 509-459-9757…Burger King……………….223 S Lincoln
- 509-468-8809…Burger King……………….9252 N Newport Hwy
- 509-536-9819..Bus Stop………………….2915 S Regal
- 509-536-9822..Car Wash………………….2728 E 30th
- 509-536-8880…Car Wash………………….Greene & Mission
- 509-459-9787…Carl’s Jr…………………707 W 3rd
- 509-534-9810…Carl’s Jr…………………3029 E 29th
- 509-487-9024…Carl’s Jr…………………6740 N Division
- 509-467-9927…Carl’s Jr…………………423 E Hastings Rd
- 509-459-9729…Carlyle Apartments…………206 S Post
- 509-777-1906..Casey’s Bar & Grill………..2126 N Monroe St
- 509-777-1871..The Cathay Inn…………….3714 N Division St
- 509-747-9419…Cedar Street Salon…………1329 W Main
- 509-329-9509…Cenex Mini Mart……………2202 N Monroe St…
- 509-326-7823…Charley’s Grill & Spirits…..801 N Monroe St
- 509-459-9616..Chevron Mini Mart………….1005 W 3rd
- 509-459-9628..Chevron Mini Mart………….1005 W 3rd
- 509-324-9850…Chevron Mini Mart………….2910 N Division
- 509-324-9715…Chevron Mini Mart………….2910 N Division
- 509-777-1857..Chevron Mini Mart………….4615 N Division
- 509-777-1856..Chevron Mini Mart………….4615 N Division
- 509-324-9610…Chevron Mini Mart………….1615 W Five Mile Rd
- 509-482-9819..Chevron Mini Mart………….1703 E Francis Ave…
- 509-482-9818..Chevron Mini Mart………….1703 E Francis Ave…
- 509-459-9624..Chevron Mini Mart………….404 S Maple
- 509-459-9623..Chevron Mini Mart………….404 S Maple
- 509-777-2171..Chevron Mini Mart………….9420 N Newport Hwy
- 509-468-8827…Chevron Mini Mart………….8624 N Nevada
- 509-468-8828…Chevron Mini Mart………….8624 N Nevada
- 509-536-8842..Chevron Mini Mart………….3602 E Sprague
- 509-536-1053..Chevron Mini Mart………….3602 E Sprague
- 509-777-1886..Chevron Mini Mart………….2515 W Wellesley
- 509-777-1896..Chic-A-Ria………………..1812 W Francis
- 509-459-9871…China Buffet………………3rd & Wall
- 509-487-3691…Chubby’s Bar………………3011 E Diamond Ave
- 509-459-9659…Clark’s Cleaners…………..159 S Division
- 509-777-1862..Comet Restaurant & Bar……..5028 N Market St
- 509-324-9754…CompUSA…………………..808 N Ruby
- 509-459-9699…Conoco Gas Station…………726 E 43rd
- 509-363-9018…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1602 W 3rd
- 509-459-1642…Conoco Mini Mart…………..518 E 29th
- 509-326-9604..Conoco Mini Mart…………..1906 N Ash St…
- 509-329-9582…Conoco Mini Mart…………..909 N Division…
- 509-325-7795…Conoco Mini Mart…………..2020 W Francis
- 509-324-9603…Conoco Mini Mart…………..5504 N Maple
- 509-326-7923…Conoco Mini Mart…………..1511 Northwest Blvd
- 509-448-9520…Conoco Mini Mart…………..4501 S Regal
- 509-448-9477…Conoco Mini Mart…………..4501 S Regal
- 509-536-1015..Conoco Mini Mart…………..305 S Thor
- 509-536-8066..Conoco Mini Mart…………..305 S Thor
- 509-459-9678…Convention Center (NW & east) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9160…Convention Center (NW & east) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9794…Convention Center (NW & east) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9795…Convention Center (NW & east) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9675…Convention Center (NW & west) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9576…Convention Center (NW & west) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9798…Convention Center (Southwest) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-459-9799…Convention Center (Southwest) 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-326-9809…Cornerstone Children’s Center 4417 W Wellesley
- 509-467-9628…Costco……………………7619 N Division
- 509-467-9629…Costco……………………7619 N Division
- 509-467-9630…Costco……………………7619 N Division
- 509-459-9663…Crescent Court…………….711 W Main…2nd floor
- 509-459-9740…Crescent Court…………….711 W Main…2nd floor
- 509-459-9756…Crescent Court…………….711 W Main…2nd floor
- 509-777-1842..Crestline Laundercenter…….3010 N Crestline
- 509-536-8000…Crossroads Restaurant………3435 E Trent
- 509-534-9838…Crossroads Restaurant………3435 E Trent
- 509-624-1039..Cruisers Lounge & Dinner……1321 W 2nd Ave
- 509-747-9665…Cucina Cucina……………..707 W Main
- 509-747-9663…Cucina Cucina……………..707 W Main
- 509-326-9936..CyberMojo…………………1717 W Garland
- 509-467-9952..Dairy Queen……………….310 W Francis
- 509-482-9804…Dairy Queen……………….917 E Wellesley
- 509-777-9004..Daniels Apartments…………525 W Sinto Ave…near apartment 10
- 509-459-9637…Days Inn………………….4212 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-459-9638…Days Inn………………….4212 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-747-9766…Deaconess Health Ed Center….910 W 5th Ave…2nd floor, north hallway
- 509-747-9770…Deaconess Health Ed Center….910 W 5th Ave…2nd floor, north hallway
- 509-747-9864…Deaconess Health Ed Center….910 W 5th Ave…4th floor, south hallway
- 509-747-9510…Deaconess Medical Building….801 W 5th Ave…2nd floor
- 509-747-9824…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…Women & Children Center, 2nd floor
- 509-747-9825…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…Women & Children Center, 3rd floor
- 509-747-9607…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…near Emergency Entrance
- 509-747-9707…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…near Emergency Entrance
- 509-747-9409…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…hallway near room 257
- 509-747-9621…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…hallway between ER and cafeteria
- 509-747-9757…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…hallway between ER and cafeteria
- 509-747-9803…Deaconess Medical Center……800 W 5th Ave…4th floor tower, near elevators
- 509-747-9962…Delaney Apartments…………242 W Riverside
- 509-487-9042..Denny’s…………………..4903 N Division
- 509-487-9087..Denny’s…………………..4903 N Division
- 509-459-9809…Denny’s…………………..3711 S Geiger Blvd
- 509-459-9805…Denny’s…………………..3711 S Geiger Blvd
- 509-487-9002…Department of Licensing…….6519 N Lidgerwood St…
- 509-326-7828…Dewey Cheetham & Howe………3022 N Division
- 509-747-9808..Dick’s……………………10 E 3rd
- 509-747-9881..Dick’s……………………10 E 3rd
- 509-747-9840..Divine’s Gas Station……….203 W 3rd
- 509-536-9750..Divine’s Shell Station……..3125 E Mission Ave…
- 509-326-9926..Discovery Shop…………….805 W Garland
- 509-487-1045…Dollar Store………………4512 N Market St…
- 509-777-2271..Dolly’s Cafe………………1825 N Washington
- 509-747-9406…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct
- 509-747-9500…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct
- 509-747-9574…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct
- 509-747-9746…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct
- 509-747-9749…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct
- 509-747-9800…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct
- 509-747-9934…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct…near meeting rooms
- 509-747-9921…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct…near meeting rooms
- 509-747-9918…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct…near meeting rooms
- 509-747-9801…Doubletree Hotel…………..322 N Spokane Falls Ct…near meeting rooms
- 509-326-9683…Driscoll One Stop………….4203 N Driscoll Blvd
- 509-777-1892..DSHS Spokane South & West CSO 1313 N Maple St
- 509-777-1867..Eagles Aerie No. 2…………315 E Francis Ave
- 509-534-9978…East Central Community Center 505 S Stone St
- 509-534-9888…Eastside Cinema……………4209 E Pacific
- 509-777-0036..Exxon Mini Mart……………2706 E 29th Ave…
- 509-487-9062..Exxon Mini Mart……………924 E Francis
- 509-484-9888…Exxon Mini Mart……………924 E Francis
- 509-326-9686..Exxon Mini Mart……………2508 Northwest Blvd
- 509-536-9911…Exxon Mini Mart……………6317 E Trent
- 509-536-9947…Exxon Mini Mart……………6317 E Trent
- 509-484-9847..Exxon Mini Mart……………3021 E Wellesley
- 509-484-9832..Exxon Mini Mart……………3021 E Wellesley
- 509-324-9742…Family Superette…………..2501 W Boone
- 509-324-9741…Family Superette…………..2501 W Boone
- 509-534-9835…Felts Field……………….6105 E Rutter…
- 509-536-1013…Firestone Tire Center………1409 E Sprague
- 509-325-7753…Five Mile Heights Pizza…….6409 N Maple
- 509-459-9550..Flying J Travel Plaza………3709 S Geiger Blvd…
- 509-459-9558..Flying J Travel Plaza………3709 S Geiger Blvd…inside
- 509-459-9553..Flying J Travel Plaza………3709 S Geiger Blvd…inside
- 509-536-9935…Foley’s Auto Repair………..2003 E Boone Ave…
- 509-536-1018..Food Rainbow Grocery Outlet…4210 E Sprague…near bldg
- 509-536-1019..Food Rainbow Grocery Outlet…4210 E Sprague…near bldg
- 509-536-8070…Food Rainbow Grocery Outlet…4210 E Sprague…far away
- 509-459-1604..Four Lakes Exxon…………..10021 S State Hwy 904…
- 509-747-9755..Frankie Doodle’s…………..30 E 3rd Ave…in entrance
- 509-747-9702..Frankie Doodle’s…………..30 E 3rd Ave…near restrooms
- 509-467-9949..Fred Meyer………………..12120 N Division…north entrance
- 509-467-9950..Fred Meyer………………..12120 N Division…north entrance
- 509-467-9929..Fred Meyer………………..12120 N Division…south entrance
- 509-467-9930..Fred Meyer………………..12120 N Division…south entrance
- 509-487-9591…Fred Meyer………………..525 E Francis…entry A
- 509-487-9427…Fred Meyer………………..525 E Francis…entry A
- 509-487-9406…Fred Meyer………………..525 E Francis…entry B
- 509-487-9407…Fred Meyer………………..525 E Francis…entry B
- 509-534-9417..Fred Meyer………………..400 S Thor…south entrance
- 509-534-9418..Fred Meyer………………..400 S Thor…south entrance
- 509-534-9419..Fred Meyer………………..400 S Thor…north entrance
- 509-534-9421..Fred Meyer………………..400 S Thor…north entrance
- 509-328-3606..Garland Market…………….1006 W Garland Ave…
- 509-327-0157..Garland Market…………….1006 W Garland Ave…
- 509-458-5831..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5833..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5834..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5836..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5837..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5839..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5840..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5841..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5843..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5844..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5877..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-458-5880..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-363-9012..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-363-9014..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-747-9969..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-747-9972..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-838-9935..Geiger Corrections Center…..3507 S Spotted Rd…inmate phone
- 509-444-1770..Globe Bar and Grill………..204 N Division St
- 509-467-9647..Golden Corral Buffet……….7117 N Division St
- 509-467-9959..Golden Corral Buffet……….7117 N Division St
- 509-326-7875…Golden Rule Brake Service…..625 N Monroe
- 509-326-9626…Gonzaga University (Library)..502 E Boone
- 509-483-9670..Grocery Boys………………3430 N Crestline
- 509-483-9671..Grocery Boys………………3430 N Crestline
- 509-534-6853…Hai’s Mini Mart……………2201 E Sprague Ave
- 509-777-1928..Hawaiian Luau……………..603 W 3rd
- 509-468-8831..Hico Village………………10606 N Newport Hwy…inside
- 509-468-8832..Hico Village………………10606 N Newport Hwy…laundromat
- 509-536-9881…Hico Village/Conoco Gas…….817 S Perry…
- 509-459-9565…Hideout Tavern…………….1904 W 5th Ave
- 509-747-9768…Hilltop Trailer Park……….5314 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-484-9840…Hillyard Florist…………..4915 N Market
- 509-489-9951…Hillyard Grocery & Deli…….5803 N Market…far away
- 509-487-9033…Hillyard Grocery & Deli…….5803 N Market…far away
- 509-482-9805…Hillyard Grocery & Deli…….5803 N Market…near bldg
- 509-467-9706..Holiday Mini Mart………….9720 N Division…inside
- 509-484-6439..Holy Family Hospital……….5633 N Lidgerwood St…near emergency room entrance
- 509-484-6442..Holy Family Hospital……….5633 N Lidgerwood St…near emergency room entrance
- 509-489-9946…Holy Family Hospital……….5633 N Lidgerwood…1st floor, north entrance
- 509-487-9512…Holy Family Hospital……….5633 N Lidgerwood…basement, near cafeteria
- 509-484-9899…Holy Family Medical Building..235 E Rowan Ave…inside the lobby
- 509-468-8886…Home Depot………………..9116 N Newport Hwy…south entrance
- 509-358-8955..Huckleberry’s Fresh Market….926 S Monroe
- 509-482-6036..Illinois Ave Bar & Grill……1403 E Illinois Ave
- 509-459-9773…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…left of entrance
- 509-459-9733…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…left of entrance
- 509-459-9612…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…left of entrance
- 509-459-9772…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…right of entrance
- 509-459-9770…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…right of entrance
- 509-459-9771…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…2nd floor
- 509-459-9619…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…2nd floor
- 509-459-9769…Intermodal Center………….221 W 1st…2nd floor
- 509-747-9922..Jack In The Box……………505 W 3rd
- 509-329-9577…Jack in the Box……………2732 N Division
- 509-467-9958..Jack in the Box……………5 W Hawthorne Rd
- 509-484-9968…Jack In The Box……………4001 N Market St…
- 509-466-9907..Jackpot Mini Mart………….3501 E Francis
- 509-467-9938..Jackpot Mini Mart………….3501 E Francis
- 509-534-9423..Jax Market………………..3019 E Mission Ave…near building
- 509-536-8850..Jax Market………………..3019 E Mission Ave…near building
- 509-536-8852..Jax Market………………..3019 E Mission Ave…near street
- 509-324-9645…JB’s Market……………….5503 N Alberta
- 509-324-9646…JB’s Market……………….5503 N Alberta
- 509-487-9442..JK Gas & Grocery…………..4617 N Nevada
- 509-484-9964..JK Gas & Grocery…………..4617 N Nevada
- 509-482-9813..K Mart……………………6606 N Division St…
- 509-536-9892..K Mart……………………4110 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-536-9893..K Mart……………………4110 E Sprague Ave…inside
- 509-777-0035..Kar-Bright Car Wash & Chevron 902 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-324-9616..Lascelle Motel…………….1221 N Monroe St…
- 509-534-9423..LiL Bigfoot Tavern…………3015 E Mission Ave
- 509-467-9926..Lilac Lanes & Casino……….1112 E Magnesium Rd…north entrance
- 509-467-9971..Lilac Lanes & Casino……….1112 E Magnesium Rd…south entrance
- 509-536-9794…Liquidation World………….3204 E 17th
- 509-448-9989…Liquor Store………………5611 S Perry
- 509-459-9610…Longhorn Barbeque………….7611 W Sunset Hwy…entrance
- 509-459-9620…Longhorn Barbeque………….7611 W Sunset Hwy…lounge
- 509-777-2147..Loulou’s………………….9312 N Division
- 509-482-9966…Lowe’s……………………6902 N Division
- 509-482-1650…Lowe’s……………………6902 N Division
- 509-482-1664…Lowe’s……………………6902 N Division
- 509-838-9999…Macy’s……………………Main & Wall…1st floor
- 509-468-8830…Maid O Clover……………..3812 E Hwy 206
- 509-838-9952..Manito Center……………..3009 S Grand Blvd
- 509-747-9554..Manito Park……………….Manito Pl & Tekoa
- 509-777-1878…Maxwell House Restaurant &Bar 1425 N Ash St
- 509-777-1843..Maytag Laundromat………….4715 N Crestline
- 509-459-9864…McDonald’s………………..517 W 3rd
- 509-536-8836..McDonald’s………………..2903 E 29th
- 509-482-9840…McDonald’s………………..4436 N Division
- 509-482-9834…McDonald’s………………..3416 N Market
- 509-324-9619…McDonald’s………………..6321 N Monroe
- 509-448-9523…McDonald’s………………..4647 S Regal
- 509-459-9626…Mid City Food Mart…………822 W 2nd
- 509-487-4196..Mike’s Grocery…………….2025 N Hamilton St…
- 509-536-9879…Mission Food Mart………….1905 E Mission
- 509-536-9880…Mission Food Mart………….1905 E Mission
- 509-363-9016..Molly’s Family Restaurant…..224 S Lincoln St
- 509-324-9631…Monroe Street Wash & Dry……2407 N Monroe…
- 509-777-5013..Mosey Tavern………………2723 N Monroe St
- 509-777-1849..Nevada Empire Foods………..5438 N Nevada
- 509-838-9932…Nordstrom…………………814 W Main…1st floor
- 509-838-9931…Nordstrom…………………814 W Main…1st floor
- 509-838-9990…Nordstrom…………………814 W Main…3rd floor, near restrooms
- 509-838-9919…Nordstrom…………………814 W Main…3rd floor, near restrooms
- 509-363-9002…Nordstrom…………………814 W Main…3rd floor, near elevator
- 509-363-9001…Nordstrom…………………814 W Main…3rd floor, near elevator
- 509-326-9722..North Bowl………………..125 W Sinto Ave
- Northtown Mall
509-487-9434..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…east entrance
- 509-487-9018..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…southwest entrance, 1st floor
- 509-487-9014..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…southwest entrance, 1st floor
- 509-484-9951..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…southwest entrance, 2nd floor
- 509-484-9952..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…southwest entrance, 2nd floor
- 509-489-9903..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…west entrance
- 509-484-9808..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…west entrance
- 509-484-9810..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…west entrance
- 509-489-9902..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…2nd floor phone area
- 509-487-9421..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…2nd floor phone area
- 509-487-9523..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…2nd floor phone area
- 509-487-9429..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…2nd floor phone area
- 509-484-9863..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…1st floor phone area
- 509-484-9954..Northtown Mall…………….4750 N Division…lower level
- 509-482-9957…Northtown 12 Cinemas……….4750 N Division
- 509-487-9400…JCPenney (Northtown Mall)…..4750 N Division
- 509-487-9519…Sears (Northtown Mall)……..4750 N Division…south entrance
- 509-487-9518…Sears (Northtown Mall)……..4750 N Division…east entrance
509-326-9931…Northwest Food Mart………..5611 N Driscoll Blvd- 509-747-9422…Old City Hall……………..221 N Wall…1st floor
- 509-747-9423…Old City Hall……………..221 N Wall…1st floor
- 509-326-7928..Omalley’s Pub……………..633 W Garland Ave…
- 509-324-9617…One Bridge North…………..1817 N Division St
- 509-459-9680..Our Place Drop in Center……1102 W 2nd Ave
- 509-777-1855..Outback Steakhouse…………5628 N Division St
- 509-459-9658..Outlaw Restaurant………….404 W 5th
- 509-468-8902…Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 1515 E Hawthorne Rd…
- 509-326-7826…Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 144 E Jackson
- 509-534-9808..Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 126 N Madelia
- 509-536-9941…Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 3330 E Riverside Ave
- 509-747-9528…Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 7109 W Will D Alton Ln
- 509-484-9850…Pak’s Mart………………..3616 N Market
- 509-324-9625…Papa John’s Pizza………….920 W Indiana Ave…
- 509-459-9713…Parkade…………………..Main & Howard
- 509-459-9712…Parkade…………………..Main & Howard
- 509-363-9006…Parking Lot……………….1st Av & Washington St
- 509-838-9983…Parking Lot……………….Riverside & Browne
- 509-482-9930…PDQ Mini Mart……………..2924 N Market
- 509-777-1864..Peking North Restaurant…….4120 N Division St
- 509-482-9952…Perkins…………………..5903 N Division
- 509-482-1668…Perkins…………………..5903 N Division
- 509-459-9738…Perkins…………………..12 E Olive
- 509-459-9690…Perkins…………………..12 E Olive
- 509-363-0353..Petro Stopping Center………10506 W Aero Rd
- 509-363-0354..Petro Stopping Center………10506 W Aero Rd
- 509-363-0355..Petro Stopping Center………10506 W Aero Rd
- 509-363-0356..Petro Stopping Center………10506 W Aero Rd
- 509-468-8815…Petsmart………………….9950 N Newport Hwy…
- 509-536-1014..Piccolo’s Italian Market……2002 E Mission
- 509-482-7570…Pickle Barrel……………..4750 N Division
- 509-324-9618..PJ’S Pub………………….1717 N Monroe St
- 509-459-9674…PM Jacoy’s………………..402 W Sprague
- 509-326-9714…Post Office……………….1903 W Garland Ave
- 509-747-9883..Post Office……………….902 W Riverside
- 509-777-1888..Postal Annex………………816 W Francis
- 509-324-9827..Priced Rite Foods………….733 W Garland
- 509-468-8825…Quality Inn……………….7919 N Division
- 509-468-8847…Quality Inn……………….7919 N Division…near meeting rooms
- 509-459-9646..R & R Foods……………….628 E 9th
- 509-777-1934..Ramada Inn………………..8909 W Airport Rd…lobby
- 509-777-1936..Ramada Inn………………..8909 W Airport Rd…lobby
- 509-777-1935..Ramada Inn………………..8909 W Airport Rd…lower level
- 509-777-1937..Ramada Inn………………..8909 W Airport Rd…lower level
- 509-536-9808…Rainbow Bar……………….1824 E Sprague Ave
- 509-459-9732..Red Dragon Restaurant&Lounge..1406 W 3rd Ave
- 509-459-9858…Red Robin…………………725 W Main
- 509-324-9718…Rick’s Ringside Pub………..921 W Garland Ave
- 509-838-9997..Ridpath Hotel (1st av entry)..515 W Sprague
- 509-838-9996..Ridpath Hotel (1st av entry)..515 W Sprague
- 509-747-9836..Ridpath Hotel (upper lobby)…515 W Sprague
- 509-747-9763..Ridpath Hotel (upper lobby)…515 W Sprague
- 509-747-9774..Ridpath Hotel (upper lobby)…515 W Sprague
- 509-747-9970..Ridpath Hotel (across 1st av) 515 W Sprague
- 509-747-9879..Ridpath Hotel (across 1st av) 515 W Sprague
- 509-534-9878..Rite Aid………………….2929 E 29th
- 509-536-9823..Rite Aid………………….2929 E 29th
- 509-484-9895..Rite Aid………………….5520 N Division
- 509-484-9896..Rite Aid………………….5520 N Division
- 509-448-9902…Rite Aid………………….4514 S Regal
- 509-459-9835…River Park Square………….814 W Main…1st floor
- 509-459-9836…River Park Square………….814 W Main…1st floor
- 509-358-8901…Riverfront Park Carousel……Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-358-8958…Riverfront Park Carousel……Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-358-8957…Riverfront Park Carousel……Spokane Falls Blvd
- 509-747-9401…Riverpoint Phase 1…………668 N Riverpoint Blvd
- 509-747-9730…Riverpoint Phase 1…………668 N Riverpoint Blvd
- 509-326-9797…Riverside State Park……….Aubrey L White Pkwy
- 509-747-9407..Rosauers………………….1808 W 3rd Ave…
- 509-747-9419..Rosauers………………….1808 W 3rd Ave…
- 509-747-9421..Rosauers………………….1808 W 3rd Ave…
- 509-534-9942…Rosauers………………….2610 E 29th
- 509-534-9416…Rosauers………………….2610 E 29th
- 509-467-9920..Rosauers………………….9414 N Division…Left entry
- 509-467-9939..Rosauers………………….9414 N Division…Left entry
- 509-467-9919..Rosauers………………….9414 N Division…Right entry
- 509-467-9922..Rosauers………………….9414 N Division…Right entry
- 509-467-9921..Rosauers………………….9414 N Division…Restaurant
- 509-326-9677..Rosauers………………….1724 W Francis
- 509-326-9770..Rosauers………………….1724 W Francis
- 509-326-7947..Rosauers………………….1724 W Francis
- 509-326-9947…Ruby’s Espresso……………104 E Montgomery
- SHMC, a map is available
509-747-9602…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…L2 east bldg
- 509-838-9910…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…L2 main bldg
- 509-747-9905…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…L1 main bldg
- 509-458-6006..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…Main floor
- 509-747-9829…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…Main floor
- 509-747-9611…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…Main floor
- 509-458-6007..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…2nd floor
- 509-747-9904…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…2nd floor
- 509-747-9949…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…2nd floor
- 509-458-6008..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…3rd floor
- 509-747-9604…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…3rd floor
- 509-747-9454…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…3rd floor
- 509-458-6009..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…4th floor
- 509-747-9900…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…4th floor
- 509-458-6010..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…5th floor
- 509-747-9858…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…5th floor
- 509-458-6011..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…6th floor
- 509-747-9834…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…6th floor
- 509-747-9961…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…6th floor
- 509-458-6012..Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…7th floor
- 509-747-9745…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…7th floor
- 509-747-9839…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…7th floor
- 509-747-9515…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…8th floor
- 509-747-9522…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…8th floor
- 509-747-9564…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…9th floor
- 509-747-9603…Sacred Heart Hospital………101 W 8th…9th floor
509-535-2992…Safeway…………………..2509 E 29th…- 509-326-1771…Safeway…………………..902 W Francis…gas station
- 509-489-6307…Safeway…………………..3919 N Market…north entrance
- 509-487-1970…Safeway…………………..3919 N Market…gas station
- 509-489-6466…Safeway…………………..933 E Mission…
- 509-467-8939…Safeway…………………..10100 N Newport Hwy…main entrance
- 509-466-4445…Safeway…………………..10200 N Newport Hwy…gas station
- 509-326-0695…Safeway…………………..1616 Northwest Blvd
- 509-328-1940…Safeway…………………..1616 Northwest Blvd…gas station
- 509-324-9601..Safeway…………………..2507 W Wellesley Ave
- 509-324-9623..Safeway…………………..2507 W Wellesley Ave
- 509-324-9626..Safeway…………………..2507 W Wellesley Ave…gas station
- 509-534-9908…Sage Tavern……………….3248 E Sprague Ave
- 509-326-7818…Salvation Army Thrift Store…2020 N Division
- 509-777-0085..Sam & Doms Tavern………….2429 E Sprague Ave
- 509-325-7737…Schucks Auto Supply………..1608 W Rowan
- 509-777-1509..Season Ticket Bar & Casino….1221 N Howard St…
- 509-777-1841..Señor Froggy………………7326 N Division
- 509-535-9983..Seven Eleven………………2828 E 30th Ave…
- 509-459-9561..Seven Eleven………………177 S Division…
- 509-459-9562..Seven Eleven………………177 S Division…
- 509-482-9802..Seven Eleven………………924 E Empire…
- 509-747-9991..Seven Eleven………………1317 S Grand Blvd
- 509-838-9925..Seven Eleven………………1317 S Grand Blvd
- 509-324-9602…Seven Eleven………………323 W Indiana…
- 509-329-9575…Seven Eleven………………1425 N Maple…
- 509-329-9574…Seven Eleven………………1425 N Maple…
- 509-535-0141..Seven Eleven………………510 S Thor St…
- 509-777-2281..Seventh Rail Tavern………..1911 N Maple St
- 509-459-9609..Shamrock Gas & Grocery……..932 W 3rd
- 509-482-9801..Shari’s Restaurant…………5602 N Division St
- 509-468-9073..Shari’s Restaurant…………12502 N Division St
- 509-324-9613..Shari’s Restaurant…………1829 N Monroe
- 509-838-9959..Shell Gas Station………….3725 S Grand Blvd
- 509-534-9827..Shell Mini Mart……………701 E 2nd
- 509-363-9022..Shell Mini Mart……………1428 W 2nd
- 509-467-9621…Shell Mini Mart……………12310 N Division
- 509-467-9617…Shell Mini Mart……………12310 N Division
- 509-467-9649…Shell Mini Mart……………12310 N Division
- 509-777-2090..Shell Mini Mart……………4110 S Fosseen Rd
- 509-467-9654…Shell Mini Mart……………618 W Francis Ave
- 509-467-9655…Shell Mini Mart……………618 W Francis Ave
- 509-487-9525..Shell Mini Mart……………1918 N Hamilton
- 509-467-9614…Shell Mini Mart……………8213 N Market St…
- 509-777-2086..Shell Mini Mart……………11115 W Medical Lake Rd
- 509-468-9846..Shell Mini Mart……………14710 N Newport Hwy…
- 509-487-9486…Shell Mini Mart……………925 E Wellesley
- 509-777-1874..Shell Super C Store………..1809 N Ash
- 509-777-1885…Shell Super C Store………..1809 N Ash
- 509-536-9914…Shilo Inn…………………923 E 3rd
- 509-534-9892…Shilo Inn…………………923 E 3rd
- 509-466-9912…ShopKo……………………9520 N Newport Hwy
- 509-448-9925…ShopKo……………………4515 S Regal
- 509-536-8056…Silver Lanes………………3023 E 28th
- 509-536-8057…Silver Lanes………………3023 E 28th
- 509-777-1844..Snoops Saloon……………..805 E Rosewood Ave
- 509-747-9705…Social Security Office……..811 E Sprague Av
- 509-777-0099..Sonnenberg’s Market………..1528 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-777-1861..Special K Tavern…………..3817 N Market St
- 509-324-9734…Spokane Arena……………..720 W Mallon…
- SCC, a map is available
509-534-9941…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9965…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9983…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9802…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9805…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9800…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9806…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 1
- 509-534-9993…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-534-9926…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-536-9847…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-536-9906…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-534-9934…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-534-9879…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-534-9803…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 6
- 509-536-9957…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…Bldg 16
- 509-536-9805…Spokane Community College…..1810 N Greene St…
509-326-9924…Spokane County Court House….1116 W Broadway Ave…inside front door- 509-326-9779…Spokane County Court House….1116 W Broadway Ave…inside front door
- 509-326-7884…Spokane County Court House….1116 W Broadway Ave…inside rear door
- 509-326-9705…Spokane County Court House….1116 W Broadway Ave…inside rear door
- 509-326-8441…Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inside front door of public area
- 509-326-8442…Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inside front door of public area
- 509-477-2480..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inside booking area
- 509-477-2482..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inside booking area
- 509-477-2481..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inside booking area
- 509-324-9929..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7593..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7835..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9606..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9619..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9628..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9715..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9946..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9737..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-324-3533..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7806..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7808..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7820..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7839..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7842..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7847..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-7953..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-8427..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9633..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9646..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9652..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9839..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9843..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9651..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9732..Spokane County Jail………..1100 W Mallon Ave…inmate phone
- 509-326-9615…Spokane County Juvenile Court 1208 W Mallon Ave…inside front entrance
- 509-326-8436…Spokane County Public Works…1026 W Broadway Ave… rear entrance
- 509-326-9765…Spokane Falls Comm. College…3410 W Fort George Wright Dr… bldg 1
- 509-326-9886…Spokane Falls Comm. College…3410 W Fort George Wright Dr… bldg 7
- 509-326-7849…Spokane Falls Comm. College…3410 W Fort George Wright Dr…inside bldg 17
- 509-326-9798…Spokane Falls Comm. College…3410 W Fort George Wright Dr…inside bldg 17
- 509-326-9781…Spokane Falls Comm. College…3410 W Fort George Wright Dr…inside bldg 17
- 509-326-9842…Spokane Falls Comm. College…3410 W Fort George Wright Dr…inside bldg 17
- Spokane Airport, a map is available
509-358-8908…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…car rental area
- 509-358-8864…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…car rental area
- 509-358-8890…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…car rental area
- 509-358-8948…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…car rental area
- 509-358-8960…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…car rental area
- 509-358-8949…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…car rental area
- 509-358-8886…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…baggage claim area
- 509-358-8854…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…baggage claim area
- 509-358-8873…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…east of main entrance
- 509-358-8902…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…east of main entrance
- 509-358-8880…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…at main entrance
- 509-458-5909..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…at main entrance
- 509-358-8875…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…across from ticket counters
- 509-358-8863…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…across from ticket counters
- 509-358-8858…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…across from ticket counters
- 509-358-8870…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…across from ticket counters
- 509-358-8857…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…west of there
- 509-358-8868…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…west of there
- 509-358-8893…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…farther west of there
- 509-358-8853…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…farther west of there
- 509-358-8855…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…farther west of there
- 509-358-8892…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…farther west of there
- 509-358-8891…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left side hallway to rotunda
- 509-458-6094..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left side hallway to rotunda
- 509-458-6098..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left side hallway to rotunda
- 509-358-8877…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left side hallway to rotunda
- 509-358-8874…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right side hallway to rotunda
- 509-358-8885…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right side hallway to rotunda
- 509-358-8887…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right side hallway to rotunda
- 509-358-8882…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right side hallway to rotunda
- 509-747-9732…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…rotunda
- 509-747-9613…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…rotunda
- 509-747-9740…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…rotunda
- 509-358-8871…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…beginning of concourse A
- 509-358-8861…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…beginning of concourse A
- 509-358-8889…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…beginning of concourse A
- 509-458-6099..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8852…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8850…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8859…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…left wall of concourse A
- 509-458-5956..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8872…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8888…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8862…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…right wall of concourse A
- 509-358-8860…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…entrance to concourse B
- 509-358-8865…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…entrance to concourse B
- 509-358-8883…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…entrance to concourse B
- 509-358-8878…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…in a corner in concourse B
- 509-358-8879…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…in a corner in concourse B
- 509-458-6093..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…concourse B, near snack bar
- 509-358-8884…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…concourse B, near snack bar
- 509-458-6091..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…by gate 3 in concourse B
- 509-358-8881…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…by gate 3 in concourse B
- 509-358-8851…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…by gate 3 in concourse B
- 509-358-8876…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…by gate 3 in concourse B
- 509-458-6090..Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…by gate 3 in concourse B
- 509-358-8856…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…by gate 3 in concourse B
- 509-358-8969…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…middle of concourse C
- 509-358-8970…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…middle of concourse C
- 509-358-8894…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…middle of concourse C
- 509-358-8895…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…middle of concourse C
- 509-358-8866…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…far end of concourse C
- 509-358-8867…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…far end of concourse C
- 509-358-8971…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…far end of concourse C
- 509-358-8869…Spokane International Airport 9000 W Airport Rd…parking garage
509-489-9940…Spokane Optical North Office..31 E Central Ave- 509-747-9620..Spokane Public Library……..906 W Main
- 509-747-9706..Spokane Public Library……..906 W Main
- 509-326-9710..Spokane Public Safety Buildin 1100 W Mallon Ave… front entrance
- 509-326-7886…Spokane Public Safety Buildin 1100 W Mallon Ave…1st floor near elevators
- 509-326-9764…Spokane Public Safety Buildin 1100 W Mallon Ave…1st floor near elevators
- 509-326-9758…Spokane Public Safety Buildin 1100 W Mallon Ave…1st floor near elevators
- 509-326-7879…Spokane Regional Health Dist..1101 W College
- 509-326-9711…Spokane Regional Health Dist..1101 W College
- 509-747-9455…St Luke’s Hospital…………711 S Cowley…Main bldg 2nd floor
- 509-838-9978…St Luke’s Hospital…………715 S Cowley…South bldg 2nd floor
- 509-482-9941..St Vincent De Paul…………3019 E Diamond Ave…
- 509-459-9573…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..entrance
- 509-459-9567…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..East wall 1st floor
- 509-459-9574…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..East wall 1st floor
- 509-459-9566…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..South wall 1st floor
- 509-459-9752…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..South wall 1st floor
- 509-459-9575…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..South wall 1st floor
- 509-459-9693…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..SE corner 2nd floor
- 509-459-9687…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..NW corner 2nd floor
- 509-459-9686…STA Plaza…………………701 W Riverside..NW corner 2nd floor
- 509-324-9642…Stadium Pizza……………..4423 W Wellesley Ave
- 509-487-9010..Star Restaurant & Bar………1329 N Hamilton St
- 509-838-9998…Starlite Motel…………….3809 S Geiger Blvd
- 509-536-9873…Stockyards Inn…………….3827 E Boone
- 509-536-9874…Stockyards Inn…………….3827 E Boone
- 509-459-9246…Sunset Food Mart…………..2627 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-459-9701..Sunset Junction……………1801 W Sunset Blvd…inside
- 509-459-9786..Sunset Junction……………1801 W Sunset Blvd…
- 509-747-9845…Super 1 Foods……………..830 E 29th…west entrance
- 509-747-9725…Super 1 Foods……………..830 E 29th…east entrance
- 509-326-8438..Sure Save Grocery………….3314 N Division St…
- 509-777-1891..Sure Save Grocery………….3039 N Monroe…
- 509-327-7987..Sure Save Grocery………….3039 N Monroe…
- 509-777-1894..Swinging Doors Lounge………1018 W Francis Ave
- 509-534-9824…SYSA Bingo Hall……………2230 E Sprague Ave
- 509-534-9825…SYSA Bingo Hall……………2230 E Sprague Ave
- 509-534-9829…SYSA Bingo Hall……………2230 E Sprague Ave
- 509-534-9823…SYSA Bingo Hall……………2230 E Sprague Ave
- 509-484-9831…Taco Time…………………5102 N Division
- 509-326-9718..Taco Time…………………2410 N Monroe St
- 509-326-7837…Taco Time…………………1310 N Ruby
- 509-466-9975…Target……………………9770 N Newport Hwy
- 509-459-9665…Tesoro Gas Station…………104 W 2nd
- 509-459-9641…Tesoro Gas Station…………104 W 2nd
- 509-487-9403…Tesoro Gas Station…………Addison & Francis
- 509-326-9761…Tesoro Gas Station…………Francis & Ash
- 509-536-9850…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..3158 E 17th
- 509-484-9857…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..901 E Sharp
- 509-484-9856…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..901 E Sharp
- 509-536-1051…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..228 S Thor
- 509-487-9516..Tesoro Mini Mart…………..1001 E Wellesley
- 509-489-9922..Tesoro Mini Mart…………..1001 E Wellesley
- 509-459-9734..Texaco Gas Station…………3rd & Division…near bldg
- 509-459-9735..Texaco Gas Station…………3rd & Division…far away
- 509-326-7948..Texaco Gas Station…………2103 N Division
- 509-487-9059..Texaco Gas Station…………3219 N Nevada
- 509-487-9025..Texaco Gas Station…………3219 N Nevada
- 509-459-1639…Texaco Mini Mart…………..1527 W 3rd
- 509-536-9898…Texaco Mini Mart…………..502 N Freya
- 509-325-7791…Texaco Mini Mart…………..3333 W Indian Trail Rd
- 509-777-2100…The Shack…………………1301 W 3rd
- 509-777-2099…The Shack…………………1301 W 3rd
- 509-482-9812..Thumpers Bar & Grill……….718 E Francis Ave
- 509-482-1648…Tidyman’s…………………6405 N Addison
- 509-482-1649…Tidyman’s…………………6405 N Addison
- 509-468-9645…TJ Maxx…………………..9660 N Newport Hwy…
- 509-536-1059..Tobacco Station……………1831 E Mission
- 509-482-1667…Tomato Street……………..6220 N Division
- 509-482-1661…Tomato Street……………..6220 N Division
- 509-482-9808…Top Hat Pub……………….6412 N Division St
- 509-777-1880..Top Notch Cafe…………….825 N Monroe
- 509-747-9627…Travelodge………………..4301 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-747-9544…Travelodge………………..4301 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-536-9845…Unemployment Office………..130 S Arthur
- 509-536-9813…Unemployment Office………..130 S Arthur
- 509-536-1030..Union Gospel Mission……….1224 E Trent Ave
- 509-489-9987…University Pharmacy………..1230 N Hamilton
- 509-747-3998..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1523 W 10th Ave…
- 509-747-3978..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1523 W 10th Ave…
- 509-448-9917..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………2820 E 57th
- 509-448-9918..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………2820 E 57th
- 509-448-9923..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………2820 E 57th
- 509-534-9410..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………303 S Altamont
- 509-534-9411..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………303 S Altamont
- 509-624-1068..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………4017 S Cheney Spokane Rd…
- 509-327-0304..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1712 N Division St…
- 509-327-7483..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1712 N Division St…
- 509-467-2051..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………7902 N Division St…
- 509-487-9004..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………3030 E Euclid
- 509-489-9970..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………3030 E Euclid
- 509-489-9904..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………3030 E Euclid
- 509-489-4652…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………2005 N Hamilton St…
- 509-487-9011…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………2005 N Hamilton St…
- 509-465-0732..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………3921 E State Hwy 206…
- 509-487-9013..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1503 E Illinois
- 509-487-9524..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1503 E Illinois
- 509-326-5062..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………4807 W Nine Mile Rd…
- 509-329-9583…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………2103 Northwest Blvd…
- 509-326-5489..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1023 W Wellesley Ave…
- 509-326-5491..Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1023 W Wellesley Ave…
- 509-459-9723…US Bank…………………..428 W Riverside
- 509-326-9766…VA Hospital……………….4815 N Assembly
- 509-326-7932…VFW Post 51……………….300 W Mission Ave
- 509-536-9912…VFW Post 2218……………..3207 E Sprague Av
- 509-777-1004…Viking Tavern……………..1221 N Stevens St
- 509-467-9936…Village Inn Restaurant……..518 W Francis Ave
- 509-467-9935…Village Inn Restaurant……..518 W Francis Ave
- 509-326-9811…Waffles Plus………………2625 N Monroe
- 509-777-1876…Wall St Cafe………………4428 N Wall
- 509-329-9506..Wal-Mart………………….2301 W Wellesley…
- 509-324-9906..Wal-Mart………………….2301 W Wellesley…
- 509-329-9504..Wal-Mart………………….2301 W Wellesley…online order pickup area
- 509-467-9693…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….9212 N Colton…north entrance
- 509-467-9694…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….9212 N Colton…south entrance
- 509-467-9695…Wal-Mart Supercenter……….9212 N Colton…online order pickup area
- 509-467-9954…Walgreens…………………7905 N Division
- 509-329-9510…Walgreens…………………12 E Empire Ave…
- 509-324-4018…Walgreens…………………1708 Northwest Blvd
- 509-466-9902…Walgreens…………………12315 N US Hwy 395…
- 509-482-1603..Wash & Dry………………..1725 N Hamilton
- 509-459-1619…Washington Mutual Bldg……..Main & Wall…2nd floor
- 509-747-9524…Washington Trust Bldg………717 W Sprague…front entry
- 509-482-9872…Weise’s Place Tavern……….2436 N Astor St
- 509-324-9800…Wendy’s…………………..900 N Division
- 509-468-8868…Wendy’s…………………..9114 N Newport Hwy
- 509-324-9851…West Central Community Center 1603 N Belt St…
- 509-326-7944…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…main lobby
- 509-326-7946…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…main lobby
- 509-326-7943…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…main lobby
- 509-326-9828…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…main lobby
- 509-326-7813…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…main lobby
- 509-326-9827…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…main lobby
- 509-326-7814…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…park exit
- 509-326-7942…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…park exit
- 509-326-7941…West Coast Grand Hotel……..303 W North River Dr…park exit
- 509-326-9812…West Coast River Inn……….700 N Division…near front desk
- 509-326-9942…West Coast River Inn……….700 N Division…near front desk
- 509-325-7721…West Coast River Inn……….700 N Division…near front desk
- 509-326-9945…West Coast River Inn……….700 N Division…near front desk
- 509-326-9700…West Coast River Inn……….700 N Division…near restroom
- 509-326-9725…West Coast River Inn……….700 N Division…near restroom
- 509-536-1000..World Wide Video…………..1811 E Sprague
- 509-534-9859…Ye Olde Wash House…………4224 E Sprague Ave
- 509-468-8820…Yoke’s……………………14202 N Newport Hwy
- 509-468-8826…Yoke’s……………………14202 N Newport Hwy
- 509-324-9844…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………3321 W Indian Trail Rd
- 509-324-9845…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………3321 W Indian Trail Rd
- 509-325-6111…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………210 E North Foothills Dr…east entrance
- 509-324-9605…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………210 E North Foothills Dr…west entrance
- 509-325-7750…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………210 E North Foothills Dr…west entrance
- 509-324-9606…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………4507 W Wellesley
- 509-459-1632…Zat’s Cleaners…………….2001 W Pacific
- 509-459-1628…Zat’s Cleaners…………….2001 W Pacific
- 509-459-1616…Zip’s…………………….725 W 3rd
- 509-467-9947…Zip’s…………………….10125 N Division
- 509-777-1872…Zip’s…………………….1604 W Francis
- 509-482-1612..Zip’s…………………….3212 N Market
- 509-324-9740..Zip’s…………………….3204 N Monroe
- 509-777-1908..Zip’s…………………….1018 Northwest Blvd…
- 509-536-1025…Zip’s…………………….2125 E Sprague
- 509-536-1055……………………………2525 E 29th
- 509-838-9982…………………………..Bernard & Riverside
- 509-459-9861……………………………1314 S Grand Blvd
- 509-459-9753……………………………Jefferson & 1st
- 509-747-9848……………………………811 W Main
- 509-747-9850……………………………811 W Main
- 509-484-9820……………………………5101 N Market
- 509-324-9723……………………………Monroe & Boone
- 509-325-7725……………………………3306 N Monroe
- 509-482-9926……………………………3818 N Nevada
- 509-482-9814…………………………..4507 N Nevada
- 509-536-8857…………………………..924 S Perry
- 509-459-9777……………………………510 W Riverside
- 509-459-9685……………………………602 W Riverside
- 509-459-9778……………………………Riverside & Washington..NW corner
- 509-838-9936……………………………2810 W Sunset Blvd
- 509-536-8853……………………………Trent & Madelia
- 509-459-9709……………………………307 S Washington
- 509-747-9727…………………………..613 S Washington
Spokane Valley
- 509-891-9807..Aces Casino & Restaurant……10001 E Sprague Ave
- 509-891-9628…Albertsons………………..13606 E 32nd Ave…
- 509-534-9880…Avista Stadium…………….602 N Havana
- 509-534-9970…Avista Stadium…………….602 N Havana
- 509-926-9793…Barnes and Noble…………..15310 E Indiana Av
- 509-926-9607…Best Western Pheasant Hill….12415 E Mission
- 509-926-9694..Bolo’s Bar & Grill…………116 S Best Rd
- 509-926-9605…Bonanza Bargains…………..12015 E Trent
- 509-926-9604…Bonanza Bargains…………..12015 E Trent
- 509-891-9618..Boston’s Pizza…………….14004 E Indiana Ave
- 509-891-9619…Burger King……………….2120 N Argonne
- 509-927-1803…Burger King……………….12601 E Sprague
- 509-928-9874…Café Donna Restaurant&Lounge..12005 E Trent Ave
- 509-928-9726…Central Valley High School….821 S Sullivan
- 509-891-9840…Chevron Mini Mart………….1520 N Argonne
- 509-891-9841…Chevron Mini Mart………….1520 N Argonne
- 509-536-9790…Chevron Mini Mart………….5821 E Broadway…
- 509-536-9795…Chevron Mini Mart………….5821 E Broadway…
- 509-777-2110..Chevron Mini Mart………….11504 E Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-777-2108..Chevron Mini Mart………….11504 E Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-926-9601..Chevron Mini Mart………….1010 N Sullivan Rd…
- 509-891-9635…Chevron Mini Mart………….3620 N Sullivan…
- 509-891-9636…Chevron Mini Mart………….3620 N Sullivan…
- 509-891-9740…Conoco Mini Mart…………..10620 E 16th
- 509-891-9739…Conoco Mini Mart…………..10620 E 16th
- 509-891-9723…Conoco Mini Mart…………..12221 E 32nd
- 509-928-9950..Conoco Mini Mart…………..10403 E Broadway
- 509-891-9813…Conoco Mini Mart…………..209 N Sullivan
- 509-928-9793…Conoco Mini Mart…………..8215 E Trent
- 509-534-9412..Costco……………………5601 E Sprague Ave
- 509-534-9413..Costco……………………5601 E Sprague Ave
- 509-891-9846…Dairy Queen……………….1221 N Pines
- 509-928-9708…Dairy Queen……………….15624 E Sprague
- 509-926-9640…Dave’s Bar & Grill…………12124 E Sprague Ave
- 509-927-4254…Deja Vu…………………..8722 E Sprague
- 509-891-9862…Denny’s…………………..2022 N Argonne
- 509-891-9863…Denny’s…………………..2022 N Argonne
- 509-891-9870…Denny’s…………………..6 N Pines
- 509-891-9872…Denny’s…………………..6 N Pines
- 509-891-9875…Denny’s…………………..6 N Pines
- 509-928-9774…Department of Licensing…….11530 E Sprague
- 509-926-9729…Dewey’s East………………12909 E Sprague
- 509-926-9727…Dewey’s East………………12909 E Sprague
- 509-928-9846…Dishman Commercial Park…….321 S Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-926-9685..Dollar Store………………15303 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-536-1057..Dragon Garden……………..4824 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-926-9635…Eagles Aerie No. 3433………16801 E Sprague Ave
- 509-926-9728…East Valley High School…….15711 E Wellesley Ave…
- 509-926-9628…Evergreen Jewelry & Loan……15205 E Sprague
- 509-926-9704…Evergreen Square…………..13817 E Sprague
- 509-891-9881..Excell Foods………………11205 E Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-891-9803…Excell Foods………………14515 E Trent
- 509-928-9936…Exxon Gas Station………….1521 N Argonne Rd
- 509-927-1833…Exxon Mini Mart……………13415 E 32nd
- 509-927-4549…Exxon Mini Mart……………13415 E 32nd
- 509-926-9653..Exxon Mini Mart……………18709 E Appleway
- 509-926-9706..Exxon Mini Mart……………18709 E Appleway
- 509-926-9732…Exxon Mini Mart……………14704 E Sprague…near mini-mart
- 509-926-9725…Exxon Mini Mart……………14704 E Sprague…near car wash
- 509-534-9826…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…
- 509-534-9980…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…
- 509-534-9846…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…inside left
- 509-534-9924…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…inside left
- 509-534-9869…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…inside right
- 509-534-9804…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…inside right
- 509-534-9985…Fairgrounds (Main Building)…404 N Havana…inside right
- 509-536-9873..Flying J Travel Plaza………6606 E Broadway Ave…near entrance
- 509-536-9872..Flying J Travel Plaza………6606 E Broadway Ave…phone room
- 509-536-9798..Flying J Travel Plaza………6606 E Broadway Ave…phone room
- 509-536-9793..Flying J Travel Plaza………6606 E Broadway Ave…phone room
- 509-536-9794..Flying J Travel Plaza………6606 E Broadway Ave…phone room
- 509-536-9871..Flying J Travel Plaza………6606 E Broadway Ave…phone room
- 509-926-9631…Fred Meyer………………..15609 E Sprague…entry A
- 509-926-9629…Fred Meyer………………..15609 E Sprague…entry A
- 509-926-9616…Fred Meyer………………..15609 E Sprague…entry B
- 509-926-9617…Fred Meyer………………..15609 E Sprague…entry B
- 509-926-9625…Fred Meyer………………..15609 E Sprague…entry C
- 509-926-9613…Fred Meyer………………..15609 E Sprague…entry C
- 509-891-9610…GTX Truck Stop…………….18724 E Cataldo Ave…
- 509-891-9611…GTX Truck Stop…………….18724 E Cataldo Ave…inside
- 509-891-9603…GTX Truck Stop…………….18724 E Cataldo Ave…, south entrance
- 509-891-9851…Godfather’s Pizza………….1401 N Argonne Rd
- 509-926-9637…Godfather’s Pizza………….15402 E Sprague
- 509-926-9662…Hallett Farms……………..14109 E Sprague
- 509-891-9827…Halpin’s………………….11406 E Sprague
- 509-891-9622…Hico Mart…………………1201 N Barker Rd…
- 509-891-9623…Hico Mart…………………1201 N Barker Rd…
- 509-927-4550..Hico Village………………9219 E Sprague…inside
- 509-927-4551..Hico Village………………9219 E Sprague…inside
- 509-891-9726..Hico Village………………9219 E Sprague…
- 509-891-9757…Holiday Inn Express………..9220 E Mission
- 509-891-9810..Holiday Mini Mart………….2303 N Argonne…inside
- 509-891-9859..Holiday Mini Mart………….2303 N Argonne…
- 509-926-9618..Holiday Mini Mart………….411 N Pines…inside
- 509-536-8833…Home Depot………………..5101 E Sprague
- 509-536-8834…Home Depot………………..5101 E Sprague
- 509-777-2101..Huntwood Industries………..3808 N Sullivan Rd, bldg 26…in lunch room
- 509-891-9604..IHOP Restaurant……………14706 E Indiana Ave
- 509-568-9005…IHOP Restaurant……………5403 E Sprague Ave
- 509-928-9904…Iron Horse Bar & Grill……..11105 E Sprague
- 509-926-9610..Jack In The Box……………2205 N Argonne
- 509-926-9679…Jack In The Box……………1505 N Pines
- 509-928-9805…Jack In The Box……………711 N Sullivan
- 509-926-9677…Jackpot Mini Mart………….7018 E Sprague
- 509-926-9678…Jackpot Mini Mart………….7018 E Sprague
- 509-891-9848…Liquidation World………….12606 E Sprague
- 509-927-1809…Longhorn Barbeque………….2315 N Argonne…
- 509-891-9704…Longhorn Barbeque………….2315 N Argonne…inside
- 509-536-9870…Lowe’s……………………5204 E Sprague
- 509-891-9836…Mandarin House…………….7102 E Sprague
- 509-536-1058..Maple Tree Motel & RV………4824 E Sprague Av…
- 509-891-9811…Marie Callender’s………….2111 N Argonne…entrance
- 509-891-9812…Marie Callender’s………….2111 N Argonne…by bathroom
- 509-928-9948…Matthews Restaurant & Lounge..2104 N Pines Rd
- 509-891-9708…McDonald’s………………..2222 N Argonne
- 509-536-8053…McDonald’s………………..15 S Havana
- 509-536-8068…McDonald’s………………..15 S Havana
- 509-926-9752…McDonald’s………………..10516 E Sprague…
- 509-891-9643…McDonald’s………………..819 N Sullivan
- 509-891-9885…McDonald’s………………..3530 N Sullivan
- 509-928-9972…McQ’s Billiards & Sports Bar..9614 E Sprague Ave
- 509-928-9771…Mike’s Tavern……………..21 S Dishman Rd
- 509-928-9754…Mirabeau Park Motel………..1100 N Sullivan…front desk
- 509-928-9924…Mirabeau Park Motel………..1100 N Sullivan…front desk
- 509-928-9933…Mirabeau Park Motel………..1100 N Sullivan…front desk
- 509-928-9991…Mirabeau Park Motel………..1100 N Sullivan…banquet rooms
- 509-928-9753…Mirabeau Park Motel………..1100 N Sullivan…banquet rooms
- 509-927-9753..Motel 6…………………..1919 N Hutchinson
- 509-926-9660…Motel 6…………………..1919 N Hutchinson
- 509-891-9752…Napa Auto Parts……………6905 E Trent
- 509-891-9860..Napa Auto Parts……………8417 E Sprague
- 509-928-9952…Oasis Pub & Eatery…………14913 E Trent Ave
- 509-777-2122..Old Country Buffet…………12209 E Sprague Ave
- 509-534-9807..Pacific Pride Commerical Fuel 5707 E Broadway
- 509-926-9738…Pacific Pride Commercial Fuel 16704 E Euclid Ave…
- 509-892-9614…Panama Jacks Steakhouse & Bar 11003 E Sprague Ave
- 509-927-4557…Perkins…………………..9019 E Mission
- 509-927-4556…Perkins…………………..9019 E Mission
- 509-891-9845…Players & Spectators……….12828 E Sprague
- 509-928-9898…Post Office……………….11712 E Sprague
- 509-891-9835…Post Office……………….15202 E Sprague
- 509-891-9767…Premier Video……………..9126 E Sprague
- 509-777-2131..Puerto Vallarta Restaurant….6915 E Sprague Ave
- 509-928-9810…Quality Inn Valley Suites…..8923 E Mission…main floor north end
- 509-928-9826…Quality Inn Valley Suites…..8923 E Mission…main floor north end
- 509-928-9761…Quality Inn Valley Suites…..8923 E Mission…main floor near elevator
- 509-928-9937…Quality Inn Valley Suites…..8923 E Mission…lower level near pool
- 509-928-9827…Quality Inn Valley Suites…..8923 E Mission…lower level near elevator
- 509-928-9727…Rite Aid………………….1443 N Argonne
- 509-926-9737…Rite Aid………………….12115 E Sprague
- 509-777-2137..Rockin Goodtymes…………..9214 E Mission…entrance
- 509-777-2136..Rockin Goodtymes…………..9214 E Mission…near restrooms
- 509-892-9801..Rosauers………………….10618 E Sprague Ave
- 509-892-9802..Rosauers………………….10618 E Sprague Ave
- 509-926-2884…Safeway…………………..1441 N Argonne Rd
- 509-893-0220…Safeway…………………..14020 E Sprague…inside
- 509-891-9725…Scotty’s Scoreboard Tavern….205 N Sullivan Rd…inside
- 509-891-9609..Seven Eleven………………722 N Park Rd…
- 509-891-9616..Seven Eleven………………2122 N Pines…
- 509-891-9613..Seven Eleven………………2122 N Pines…
- 509-891-9606..Shari’s Restaurant…………320 N Sullivan Rd
- 509-891-9783..Shell Mini Mart……………13823 E Broadway Ave…
- 509-928-9705…Shell Mini Mart……………1520 N Pines
- 509-891-9800…Shell Mini Mart……………1007 N Sullivan Rd
- 509-927-1878…Shell Mini Mart……………1007 N Sullivan Rd
- 509-926-9774…ShopKo……………………13414 E Sprague…inside
- 509-926-9778…ShopKo……………………13414 E Sprague…inside
- 509-928-9765…ShopKo……………………13414 E Sprague…far side of parking lot
- 509-891-9834…Spaghetti Station………….11204 E Sprague
- 509-928-9828…Sparky’s Subs……………..14916 E Sprague
- 509-928-9909…Spokane Industrial Park…….3808 N Sullivan
- 509-891-9696…Spokane Valley 12 Theater…..14706 E Indiana…
- 509-926-9673…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, west entrance
- 509-926-9749…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, west entrance
- 509-928-9992…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, south entrance
- 509-928-9905…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, south entrance
- 509-928-9947…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, hallway to mall offices
- 509-928-9741…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, hallway to mall offices
- 509-926-9717…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, northeast entrance/Azteca
- 509-926-9713…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…1st floor, northeast entrance
- 509-928-9934…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…2nd floor, near western end
- 509-928-9940…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…2nd floor, near western end
- 509-928-9999…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…2nd floor, southeast entrance
- 509-928-9941…Spokane Valley Mall………..14700 E Indiana…2nd floor, southeast entrance
- 509-777-2116..Statz Bar & Grill………….12303 E Trent Ave
- 509-928-9854…Sullivan Square……………15402 E Sprague
- 509-928-9962…Super Store 24…………….411 N Barker
- 509-928-9747…Super Store 24…………….411 N Barker
- 509-928-9994…SVF Bingo…………………1212 N Pines
- 509-926-9723…Taco Time…………………6704 E Sprague
- 509-928-9842…Taco Time…………………12328 E Sprague
- 509-926-9646..Target……………………13724 E Sprague
- 509-926-9647..Target……………………13724 E Sprague
- 509-926-9648..Target……………………13724 E Sprague
- 509-928-9776…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..13819 E Trent
- 509-928-9843…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..13819 E Trent
- 509-891-9722…Texaco Mini Mart…………..3458 S Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-891-9721…Texaco Mini Mart…………..3458 S Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-536-9833…Texaco Mini Mart…………..425 N Fancher
- 509-777-2125..Texaco Mini Mart…………..520 S Pines
- 509-777-2126..Texaco Mini Mart…………..520 S Pines
- 509-926-9619…Texaco Mini Mart…………..8119 E Sprague
- 509-891-9706…Texaco Mini Mart…………..17128 E Sprague
- 509-927-4555..Thrift Center……………..523 S Dishman Mica Rd
- 509-891-9743…Tidyman’s…………………2024 N Argonnne…
- 509-891-9741…Tidyman’s…………………2024 N Argonnne…inside
- 509-536-8846…Tidyman’s…………………116 S McKinnon
- 509-927-1828…Tidyman’s…………………13014 E Sprague…
- 509-926-9716…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………15504 E 4th
- 509-926-9705…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………15504 E 4th
- 509-928-9791…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1403 N Mullan
- 509-928-9955…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1421 N Pines
- 509-928-9769…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………1421 N Pines
- 509-928-9951…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………10708 E Sprague…on Sprague
- 509-928-9956…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………10708 E Sprague…on University
- 509-928-9763…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………15019 E Trent
- 509-926-9785…Unocal 76 Zip Trip…………15019 E Trent
- 509-928-9730…Valley Bowl……………….8005 E Sprague Av
- 509-777-0038..Valley Ho Inn……………..6412 E Trent Ave
- 509-926-9730…Valley Library…………….12004 E Main
- 509-926-9606…Valley Mission Park………..11123 E Mission
- 509-777-2135..Value Village……………..13112 E Sprague
- 509-928-9715…Wal-Mart………………….15727 E Broadway…inside left entrance
- 509-928-9709…Wal-Mart………………….15727 E Broadway…inside right entrance
- 509-928-9718…Wal-Mart………………….15727 E Broadway…layaway dept
- 509-928-9751…Walgreens…………………12312 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-928-9984…Walgreens…………………15510 E Sprague Ave…
- 509-891-9749…Wendy’s…………………..2119 N Argonne…
- 509-891-9626…Wendy’s…………………..14720 E Sprague
- 509-891-9615…Yoke’s Fresh Market………..9329 E Montgomery…
- 509-927-1811…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………15111 E Sprague
- 509-927-1812…Yoke’s Pac ‘n Save…………15111 E Sprague
- 509-927-1801…Zip’s…………………….15808 E Sprague
- 509-891-9849……………………………320 S Pines
- 509-928-9784……………………………13910 E Sprague
- 509-257-2954…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 23
- 509-257-2921…Chevron Mini Mart………….Hwy 23
- 509-257-2210…Kathy’s Food & Gifts……….1st St
- 509-257-9998…Sprague Lake Rest Area……..I-90 eastbound, mp 243…left side
- 509-257-9981…Sprague Lake Rest Area……..I-90 westbound, mp 243…left side
- 509-258-9975..Springdale Grocery…………Hwy 231
- 509-399-8803…Lyons Ferry Marina…………Hwy 261
- 509-399-8801…Post Office……………….Main St
- 509-397-9555…Friendly Mart……………..Hwy 23 & Hwy 195
- 509-837-3568…410 Market………………..1301 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-9830…AmPm……………………..1850 Waneta Rd
- 509-839-9831…AmPm……………………..1850 Waneta Rd
- 509-839-4719..Bi-Mart…………………..110 W South Hill Rd
- 509-839-6087..Bi-Mart…………………..110 W South Hill Rd
- 509-839-6317…Burger King……………….3201 Picard Pl
- 509-837-4175…Car Wash………………….6th St & Lincoln Av
- 509-837-4869…Dairy Queen……………….6th St & Grant Av
- 509-839-0395…East Edison Food & Deli…….1520 E Edison
- 509-839-7907…East Edison Food & Deli…….1520 E Edison
- 509-839-7364…Exxon Mini Mart……………1121 S 16th St
- 509-839-3984…Food Depot………………..2010 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-3982…Food Depot………………..2010 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-837-9010…Hiway Fruit……………….209 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-837-9009…Hiway Fruit……………….209 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-837-9076…Hiway Fruit……………….209 Yakima Valley Hwy…separate
- 509-839-7679…Jackpot Mini Mart………….600 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-7907…Jackpot Mini Mart………….600 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-9822…K Mart……………………2600 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-9821…K Mart……………………2600 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-836-2600…Ken’s Quick Lube…………..303 E Lincoln
- 509-839-3410…La Texanita……………….301 S 13th St
- 509-839-0183…La Victoria……………….301½ S 13th St
- 509-837-2005…Laundromat………………..820 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-837-3872…Lincoln Market…………….1517 E Lincoln
- 509-839-2401…Lincoln Market…………….1517 E Lincoln
- 509-839-2982…Maid O Clover……………..1524 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-7912…McDonald’s………………..2200 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-3197…Mid Valley Mall……………2010 Yakima Valley Hwy…north entrance
- 509-839-3294…Mid Valley Mall……………2010 Yakima Valley Hwy…south entrance
- 509-839-8469…Park ‘n Pak……………….905 E Lincoln
- 509-839-4952…Park ‘n Pak……………….905 E Lincoln
- 509-839-2087…Pizza Hut…………………2000 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-4827…Puerto Vallarta Restaurant….633 E Edison
- 509-839-5612…Safeway…………………..613 S 6th St
- 509-837-3851…Safeway…………………..613 S 6th St
- 509-837-3865…Safeway…………………..613 S 6th St…separate
- 509-839-7911…Save on Foods……………..615 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-5617…Save on Foods……………..615 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-837-9487…Sears…………………….1702 Gregory Av
- 509-837-2322…Silver Dollar Cafe…………Hwy 24 & Hwy 241
- 509-837-9037…Sprint/United Telephone…….405 S 5th St
- 509-837-2738…STM Market………………..309 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-5319…Sunny Spot Mini Mart……….1850 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-839-9819…Sunnyside Mini Mart………..701 S 6th St
- 509-839-4760…Texaco Mini Mart…………..1825 Waneta Rd
- 509-839-7085…Texaco Mini Mart…………..1825 Waneta Rd
- 509-839-2109…TW Market…………………1143 E Tacoma
- 509-837-3901…TW Market…………………1143 E Tacoma
- 509-839-7900…Valley View Market…………107 W Lincoln
- 509-839-7357…Valley View Market…………107 W Lincoln
- 509-837-9020…Vernita Rest Area………….Hwy 24 near Columbia River
- 509-839-9832…Wal-Mart………………….2675 E Lincoln…entrance
- 509-839-9833…Wal-Mart………………….2675 E Lincoln…entrance
- 509-839-9834…Wal-Mart………………….2675 E Lincoln…layaway
- 509-284-2879…Rest Area…………………129 Crosby St…
- 509-964-9900…Thorp High School………….10831 N Thorp Hwy
- 509-673-9997…Robert’s Market……………602 Maple St
- 509-486-1151…Al’s IGA………………….212 N Hwy 97…
- 509-486-2082…Al’s IGA………………….212 N Hwy 97…
- 509-486-4867…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..606 S Whitcomb Ave…
- 509-486-4640…Tesoro Mini Mart…………..606 S Whitcomb Ave…
- 509-486-1312…Texaco Mini Mart…………..509 S Whitcomb Ave…
- 509-486-1126…Texaco Mini Mart…………..509 S Whitcomb Ave…
- 509-486-1352……………………………4th St & Western Ave…
- 509-865-6295…A & W…………………….433 S Elm
- 509-865-1847…AmPm……………………..321 S Elm
- 509-865-3245…AmPm……………………..321 S Elm
- 509-865-3641…Cattlemens Restaurant………2 S Division St
- 509-865-6402…Conoco Gas Station…………810 W 1st
- 509-865-9632…Dairy Queen……………….401 W 1st
- 509-865-2584…El Charrito……………….120 E Toppenish
- 509-865-2134..KFC/Taco Bell……………..415 S Elm
- 509-865-8971…Maid O Clover……………..401 S Elm
- 509-865-5289…McDonald’s………………..739 W 1st
- 509-865-2858…New West Family Restaurant….419 E Toppenish
- 509-865-2093…New West Family Restaurant….419 E Toppenish
- 509-865-2592…Roadrunner Mini Mart……….502 W 1st
- 509-865-3630…Safeway…………………..711 W 1st
- 509-865-3692…Safeway…………………..711 W 1st
- 509-865-3694…Safeway…………………..711 W 1st…separate
- 509-865-3624…Saigon Kitchen…………….208 S Toppenish
- 509-865-2044…Serv um Self………………610 W 1st
- 509-865-2020…Seven Eleven………………611 W 1st
- 509-865-4646…Seven Eleven………………611 W 1st
- 509-865-4326…Smitty’s Conoco……………102 E Toppenish
- 509-865-9618…Sprint/United Telephone…….5 S Alder
- 509-865-9655…Sprint/United Telephone…….5 S Alder
- 509-865-4783…Taqueria Mexicana………….105½ S Alder
- 509-865-6403…Texaco General Store……….505 W 1st
- 509-865-3941…Texaco Mini Mart…………..907 W 1st
- 509-865-3416…Texaco Mini Mart…………..907 W 1st
- 509-865-9606…Toppenish Police Department…1 W 1st
- 509-865-2194…Toppenish Red Apple Market….512 W 1st
- 509-865-5376…Toppenish Red Apple Market….512 W 1st
- 509-865-7562…Valley View Market 2……….618 E Toppenish
- 509-865-7536…Valley View Market 2……….618 E Toppenish
- 509-865-3138…Villaseñor………………..225 S Toppenish
- 509-865-7821……………………………Asotin & Date
- 509-865-9004……………………………502 W Washington
- 509-865-9006……………………………502 W Washington
- 509-394-8801…Texaco Mini Mart…………..Touchet Rd & Hwy 12
- 509-394-8800…Texaco Mini Mart…………..Touchet Rd & Hwy 12
- 509-276-9966…Forshee’s Last Resort………6823 State Hwy 291…
- 509-997-2023…Automated Gas Station………1421 E State Hwy 20…
- 509-997-9900…CenturyTel………………..209 Glover St…
- 509-997-1301…Chevron Gas Station………..126 N State Hwy 20…
- 509-997-2005…Hank’s Mini Mart…………..410 E State Hwy 20…
Union Gap
- 509-454-9178…AmPm……………………..20 E Valley Mall Blvd
- 509-454-9177…AmPm……………………..20 E Valley Mall Blvd
- 509-454-9869..BJ’s Get n Go……………..3101 Main St
- 509-454-9176…Days Inn………………….2408 Rudkin Rd
- 509-575-9563…Denny’s…………………..2603 Rudkin Rd
- 509-575-9621…Denny’s…………………..2603 Rudkin Rd
- 509-575-9453…Dept of Transportation……..2809 Rudkin Road
- 509-576-9933…Dollar Store………………3001 Main St
- 509-454-9274…Gap Auto Sales…………….3709 Main St
- 509-454-9065…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…
- 509-454-9064…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9066…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9063…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9062…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9037…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9038…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9039…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9040…Gearjammer Truck Stop………2310 Rudkin Rd…inside
- 509-454-9078…IHOP Restaurant……………15 E Valley Mall Blvd
- 509-457-9259…Jackpot Mini Mart………….2511 S 3rd Av
- 509-575-9690…Jackpot Mini Mart………….2511 S 3rd Av
- 509-575-9951…Jackpot Mini Mart………….3312 Main St
- 509-575-9953…Jackpot Mini Mart………….3312 Main St
- 509-575-9809…KFC………………………2512 Main St
- 509-454-9833…Lowe’s……………………2500 Rudkin Road
- 509-454-9844…Lowe’s……………………2500 Rudkin Road
- 509-575-9979…Mercy 6 Plex………………17 E Valley Mall Blvd…inside
- 509-575-9808…Mercy 6 Plex………………17 E Valley Mall Blvd…entry
- 509-454-9047…Pepp’rmint Car Wash………..4002 Main St
- 509-575-9828…Rite Aid………………….2515 Main St
- 509-454-9001…RoadRunner Mini Mart……….1811 Rainier Place
- 509-454-9007…RoadRunner Mini Mart……….1811 Rainier Place
- 509-454-9845…Sea Galley………………..2525 Valley Mall Blvd
- 509-576-9875..Settler’s Inn……………..16 E Valley Mall Blvd
- 509-575-9965…ShopKo……………………2530 Rudkin Rd
- 509-575-9970…ShopKo……………………2530 Rudkin Rd
- 509-575-9752…St Vincent de Paul…………2629 Main St
- 509-454-9151…Valley Mall (N Entry)………2515 Main St….North
- 509-454-9145…Valley Mall (N Entry)………2515 Main St….South
- 509-454-9103…Valley Mall (Central)………2515 Main St
- 509-454-9104…Valley Mall (Central)………2515 Main St
- 509-454-9106…Valley Mall (S Entry)………2515 Main St
- 509-454-9113…Valley Mall (S Entry)………2515 Main St
- 509-454-9160…Value Village……………..2503 Main St
- 509-575-9643…Wash & Dry Laundromat………1st St & Franklin St
- 509-575-9918…Wash & Dry Laundromat………1st St & Franklin St
- 509-445-0741..Crossroads Restaurant………State Hwy 20 & Triangle Rd…
- 509-445-9920…Ponderay Newsprint…………422767 State Hwy 20…
- 509-229-8897…Inland Telephone Company……211 S Montgomery St…
- 509-937-4063..Valley Cafe……………….Hwy 231
- 509-937-4158……………………………3rd Ave & Hemlock St
- 509-856-9905..Ginkgo State Park………….Ginkgo Av
- 509-856-9700..Ryegrass Rest Area…………I-90 eastbound, mp 126
- 509-856-9701..Ryegrass Rest Area…………I-90 westbound, mp 126
- 509-856-9900…Shell Mini Mart……………320 Vantage Hwy
- 509-856-9901..Texaco Mini Mart…………..401 Vantage Hwy
- 509-856-9907…Texaco Mini Mart…………..401 Vantage Hwy
- 509-856-9910…Wanapum State Park…………Huntzinger Rd
- 509-337-9975…Lewis & Clark State Park……Hwy 12, mp 362
Walla Walla
- 509-525-9828…Blue Mountain Mall…………1631 W Rose…food court
- 509-525-9741…Book and Game……………..38 E Main…
- 509-527-9869…McDonald’s………………..2130 E Isaacs Ave…
- 509-527-9727…Shell Mini Mart……………2112 E Isaacs Ave…
- 509-525-9936…ShopKo……………………1600 W Rose St
- 509-525-9938…ShopKo……………………1600 W Rose St
- 509-525-9774…VA Hospital……………….77 Wainwright Dr…diabetic ward
- 509-525-9759…VA Hospital……………….77 Wainwright Dr…
- 509-525-9848…Whitman Inn……………….107 N 2nd Av…Restaurant
- 509-525-9895…Whitman Inn……………….107 N 2nd Av…Restaurant
- 509-525-9947…Whitman Inn……………….107 N 2nd Av…Empty bldg area
- 509-877-7791…Bakery Barajas…………….117 S Wapato Av
- 509-877-6951…Barajas Market…………….3rd St & Wapato Av
- 509-877-2025…Crossroads Market………….4621 N Track Rd
- 509-877-2505…Donald Store………………2600 Donald Rd
- 509-877-4191…Eagle Stop and Save………..50 W Wapato Rd
- 509-877-7562…Eagle Stop and Save………..50 W Wapato Rd
- 509-877-9920…Fort Restaurant……………31 W Wapato Rd
- 509-877-6375…Jim Dandy Market…………..6071 Yakima Valley Hwy
- 509-877-7556..Liberty Video……………..114 E 3rd St
- 509-877-4003…Liquor Store………………721 W 1st
- 509-877-7692…Logan Feed Company…………W 1st St & Wasco Av
- 509-877-9911…Motel 97………………….97 S Frontage Rd
- 509-877-9916…Police Department………….205 S Simcoe Av
- 509-877-1209..Post Office……………….307 Satus Av
- 509-877-6796…Roadrunner Deli Mart……….705 W 1st St
- 509-877-6758…Roadrunner Deli Mart……….705 W 1st St
- 509-877-6857…Save on Foods……………..512 W 1st St
- 509-877-6916…Save on Foods……………..512 W 1st St
- 509-877-9958…Sprint/United Telephone…….5th St & Wapato Av
- 509-877-9933…Sprint/United Telephone…….5th St & Wapato Av
- 509-877-2948…The Wash House…………….118 S Wapato Av
- 509-877-2303..Wapato Gas & Deli………….67831 Hwy 97
- 509-877-6919…Wapato Red Apple Market…….109 W 1st St
- 509-877-4247…Wapato Red Apple Market…….109 W 1st St
- 509-877-7636……………………………511 S Camas
- 509-877-1213……………………………4651 N Track Rd
- 509-877-7829……………………………4th St & Wapato Av
- 509-349-9803…Automated Gas Station………600 W 1st
- 509-349-0107…Conoco Mini Mart…………..Hwy 17 & Hwy 170
- 509-349-9908…Conoco Mini Mart…………..Hwy 17 & Hwy 170
- 509-349-0100…Town & Country Market………201 S Main
- 509-646-3215…Consolidated Grange Supply….505 N Main St…
- 509-646-3539…Fire Station………………Main St & Cooper St…
- 509-745-9918…Shell Mini Mart……………14900 US Highway 2…
- 509-486-1090…Wauconda Cafe……………..2360 Hwy 20…
- 509-258-9988…Wellpinit Trading Post……..6210 Ford Wellpinit Rd…
- 509-662-9847…Seven Eleven………………1100 N Miller St
- 509-662-9863…Seven Eleven………………1100 N Miller St
- 509-663-0305…Shari’s…………………..1516 N Wenatchee Av
- 509-663-9978……………………………20 N Wenatchee St
- 509-647-2150…Doxie’s Diner……………..W Main St…
- 509-996-3475…Conoco Mini Mart…………..900 Hwy 20…
- 509-996-2008…Winthrop Visitor Center…….Hwy 20 W…
- 509-996-2877……………………………208 Riverside St…
- 509-996-9910……………………………209 Riverside St…
- 509-454-9168…A & S Laundromat…………..1501 Fruitvale
- 509-965-9983..Abby’s Pizza………………4804 Tieton Dr
- 509-965-9951…Ahtanum Mini Mart………….8407 Ahtanum Rd
- 509-575-9666…Ahtanum Park………………1000 Ahtanum Rd
- 509-457-9272..Airline Market…………….1002 W Washington
- 509-575-9571..Airline Market…………….1002 W Washington
- 509-575-9901…Airport…………………..24th & Washington
- 509-575-9900…Airport…………………..24th & Washington
- 509-575-9990…Airport…………………..24th & Washington
- 509-576-9813…Airport Car Wash…………..10th Av & Washington
- 509-454-9058…AJ’s Mini Mart…………….1001 N 16th Av…
- 509-454-9059…AJ’s Mini Mart…………….1001 N 16th Av…inside
- 509-966-9048…Albertsons………………..401 S 40th Av…left side
- 509-966-9058…Albertsons………………..401 S 40th Av…right side
- 509-457-9206…Albertsons………………..1610 W Lincoln…
- 509-575-9916…Albertsons………………..1610 W Lincoln…
- 509-575-9756…Albertsons………………..1610 W Lincoln…inside
- 509-576-9953…Al’s Auto Supply…………..305 N 5th Av
- 509-576-9945…Al’s Auto Supply…………..1512 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9963…Al’s Auto Supply…………..4002 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9030…AmPm……………………..912 N 1st St
- 509-454-9024…AmPm……………………..912 N 1st St
- 509-575-9734…AmPm……………………..16th & Washington
- 509-575-9623…AmPm……………………..16th & Washington
- 509-575-9861…AmPm……………………..18th St & Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9849…AmPm……………………..18th St & Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9435…AmPm……………………..3922 Fruitvale
- 509-575-9431…AmPm……………………..3922 Fruitvale
- 509-576-9843..Apple Barrel………………2021 Fruitvale
- 509-576-9810..Apple Barrel………………2021 Fruitvale
- 509-965-7014…Apple Bin Mini Mart………..3707 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9971…Apple Bin Mini Mart………..3707 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9573…Arby’s …………………..1227 S 1st St
- 509-576-9904..Arco Gas Station…………..18th & Fruitvale
- 509-454-9002…Arctic Circle……………..808 N 1st St
- 509-965-9972..Arctic Circle……………..3912 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9634…AT&T……………………..214 W Yakima Av
- 509-575-9842…Automated Gas Station………904 S 3rd St
- 509-575-9547…Automated Gas Station………River Rd, E of 16th
- 509-575-9410…Automated Gas Station………Rudkin Rd & Viola Av
- 509-575-9525…Bamboo Terrace ……………54 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-573-4225…Baskin Robbins ……………1505 S 1st St
- 509-454-9849…Benoit’s Hi-Ho Grocery …….511 N 1st St
- 509-454-9848…Benoit’s Hi-Ho Grocery …….511 N 1st St
- 509-454-9876…Bi-Mart…………………..309 S 5th Av
- 509-454-9878…Bi-Mart…………………..1207 N 40th Av
- 509-576-9903…Black Angus……………….501 N Front St
- 509-576-9902…Black Angus……………….501 N Front St
- 509-966-9007..Blockbuster Video………….5633 Summitview
- 509-966-9009..Blockbuster Video………….5633 Summitview
- 509-576-9910…Burger King……………….2113 S 1st St
- 509-576-9909…Burger King ………………2611 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-457-9859…Burger King……………….1605 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-454-9057…Burger Ranch………………1502 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9616…Burger Ranch………………911 Summitview
- 509-576-9905..Car Wash………………….10th Av & Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9873…Car Wash………………….123 S Front St
- 509-454-9887…Caravan Inn Restaurant …….1402 S 1st St
- 509-454-9888…Caravan Inn Restaurant …….1402 S 1st St
- 509-575-9728..Cavanaugh’s……………….607 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9727..Cavanaugh’s……………….607 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9815..Cavanaugh’s……………….607 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9421..Cavanaugh’s……………….607 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9758…Cavanaugh’s Gateway Hotel…..9 N 9th St
- 509-575-9759…Cavanaugh’s Gateway Hotel…..9 N 9th St
- 509-575-9538…Cavanaugh’s Gateway Hotel…..9 N 9th St
- 509-575-9733…Cavanaugh’s Gateway Hotel…..9 N 9th St
- 509-457-9863…Cenex Convenience Store…….2202 S 1st St
- 509-575-9937…Chesterly Park…………….40th & River Rd
- 509-965-7007…Clark’s Empire Foods……….3361 Mapleway
- 509-965-7008…Clark’s Empire Foods……….3361 Mapleway
- 509-454-9193…Coco’s Mini Mart…………..1504 Ahtanum Rd
- 509-454-9819..College Mart………………1106 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9823..College Mart………………1106 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-457-9858…Comfort Suites…………….3702 Fruitvale Blvd
- 509-575-9980…Convention Center………….10 N 8th St…Entry
- 509-575-9522…Convention Center………….10 N 8th St…Entry
- 509-575-9645…Convention Center………….10 N 8th St…East Hall
- 509-575-9895…Convention Center………….10 N 8th St…East Hall
- 509-575-9976…Convention Center………….10 N 8th St…East Hall
- 509-966-9038…Corner Grocery…………….8501 Ahtanum Rd
- 509-576-9990…Country Place Market……….909 Athanum Rd
- 509-454-9014…Crusin Bills Mini Mart …….702 W Yakima Av
- 509-454-9045…Crusin Bills Mini Mart …….702 W Yakima Av
- 509-575-9902…Dairy Queen……………….15 S 5th Av
- 509-966-9027…Dairy Queen……………….7410 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-457-3994…Dairy Queen……………….3512 Summitview
- 509-454-9827…Dairy Queen……………….801 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9744…Davis high school………….212 S 6th Av
- 509-454-9181…DB’s restaurant……………2710 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9506…Denny’s…………………..822 N 1st St
- 509-575-9561…Denny’s…………………..822 N 1st St
- 509-454-9273…DJ’s Mini Mart…………….2901 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9818…Doubletree Hotel (front desk) 1507 N 1st St
- 509-575-9821…Doubletree Hotel (front desk) 1507 N 1st St
- 509-575-9817…Doubletree Hotel (restaurant) 1507 N 1st St
- 509-575-9820…Doubletree Hotel (restaurant) 1507 N 1st St
- 509-457-9809…Doubletree Hotel (restaurant) 1507 N 1st St
- 509-575-9406…Dollar Store………………2105 W Lincoln
- 509-457-9210…Dollar Store………………2105 W Lincoln
- 509-576-9960…Domino’s Pizza…………….6 S 9th St
- 509-965-7011…Eisenhower High School……..702 S 40th Av…Office
- 509-965-7012…Eisenhower High School……..702 S 40th Av…Gym
- 509-454-9851…El Pastor Restaurant……….315 W Walnut
- 509-454-9850…El Pastor Restaurant……….315 W Walnut
- 509-575-9607…El Rincón…………………3704 Fruitvale
- 509-575-9471…Elton Young’s……………..810 N 5th Av
- 509-454-9822…Espinoza’s………………..1026 N 1st St
- 509-576-9908…Evie’s Restaurant………….2201 W Lincoln Av
- 509-576-9944…Exxon Gas Station………….1606 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9953…Exxon Mini Mart……………56th & Summitview
- 509-454-9868…Exxon Tiger Mart…………..1808 N 1st St
- 509-454-9867…Exxon Tiger Mart…………..1808 N 1st St
- 509-576-9938…Exxon Tiger Mart…………..2312 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9940…Exxon Tiger Mart…………..2312 W Nob Hill Blvd
- Fairgrounds
509-575-9774…Yakima Meadows…………….1301 S 10th St…Far side of track
- 509-575-9478…Yakima Meadows…………….1301 S 10th St…
- 509-575-9601…Yakima Meadows…………….1301 S 10th St…
- 509-575-9903…Yakima Meadows…………….1301 S 10th St…
- 509-575-9408…Yakima Meadows…………….1301 S 10th St…
- 509-575-9703…Modern Living Building …….1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9907…E of Modern Living Bldg…….1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9664…E of Modern Living Bldg…….1301 S 10th St
- 509-457-9875…Midway Cafe……………….1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9512…Midway Cafe……………….1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9584…S of Ag Bldg………………1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9905…S of Ag Bldg………………1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9568…Barns…………………….1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9668…Barns…………………….1301 S 10th St
- 509-457-9820…Barns…………………….1301 S 10th St
- 509-575-9913…Fairgrounds Office…………1301 S 10th St
509-453-8101…Family Foods………………1503 E Nob Hill Blvd- 509-454-9138..Fifth Avenue One Stop………701 N 5th Av
- 509-575-9402..Fifth Avenue One Stop………701 N 5th Av
- 509-454-9086…Fifth Avenue Shell…………216 N 5th Av
- 509-966-9063…Fisher Golf Course…………901 S 40th Av
- 509-576-9988…Flightline Mini Mart……….2805 W Washington
- 509-576-9889…Food Pavilion……………..120 N Fair Av
- 509-576-9890…Food Pavilion……………..120 N Fair Av
- 509-575-9452…Four Ten Restaurant………..1606 Fruitvale
- 509-453-9710…Fred Meyer………………..1206 N 40th Av…Entry A
- 509-575-9502…Fred Meyer………………..1206 N 40th Av…Entry A
- 509-575-9610…Fred Meyer………………..1206 N 40th Av…Entry B
- 509-575-9614…Fred Meyer………………..1206 N 40th Av…Entry B
- 509-575-9823…Fred Meyer………………..1206 N 40th Av…Entry C
- 509-454-9060…Gary’s Red Apple Market…….802 E Yakima Av
- 509-454-9042…Gary’s Red Apple Market…….802 E Yakima Av
- 509-454-9017…Glesener’s Market………….1326 S 10th St
- 509-454-9018…Glesener’s Market………….1326 S 10th St
- 509-575-9652…Godfather’s Pizza………….2208 S 1st St
- 509-965-7000…Godfather’s Pizza………….4001 Summitview
- 509-966-9003…Golden Kayland…………….4001 Summitview
- 509-576-9935…Goody’s…………………..3807 River Rd
- 509-576-9936…Goody’s…………………..3807 River Rd
- 509-575-9530..Greyhound Bus Station………602 E Yakima Av…inside
- 509-575-9488..Greyhound Bus Station………602 E Yakima Av…inside
- 509-575-9412..Greyhound Bus Station………602 E Yakima Av…inside
- 509-575-9702..Greyhound Bus Station………602 E Yakima Av…inside
- 509-575-9582..Greyhound Bus Station………602 E Yakima Av…inside
- 509-575-9407…Greyhound Bus Station………602 E Yakima Av…
- 509-454-9885…Grocery Outlet…………….Ranch Rite Rd
- 509-576-9913..Holiday Inn Express………..1001 E A St
- 509-576-9873…Holiday Inn Express………..1001 E A St
- 509-576-9804…Hy’s Mini Mart…………….1219 W Lincoln
- 509-576-9808…Hy’s Mini Mart…………….1219 W Lincoln
- 509-575-9886..Jack in the Box……………2317 S 1st St
- 509-965-9903..Jack in the Box……………3907 Tieton Dr
- 509-457-9280..Jackpot Mini Mart………….620 N 16th Av
- 509-457-9279..Jackpot Mini Mart………….620 N 16th Av
- 509-457-9297..Jackpot Mini Mart………….1710 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-457-9298..Jackpot Mini Mart………….1710 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-966-9014..Jackpot Mini Mart………….4708 Tieton Dr
- 509-966-9084..Jackpot Mini Mart………….4708 Tieton Dr
- 509-966-9006…Jackson’s Sports Bar……….432 S 48th Av
- 509-575-9928…K Mart……………………2304 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9755…K Mart……………………2304 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9959…Kemper’s Restaurant………..306 S 1st St
- 509-966-9054…KFC………………………110 N 40th Av
- 509-575-9543…KFC………………………107 S 5th Av
- 509-576-9928..K’s coin laundry…………..6th & Fruitvale
- 509-576-9872…La Flor de Uruapan…………2014 S 1st St
- 509-576-9860…La Hacienda Azteca…………1001 Fruitvale Blvd
- 509-454-9052…La Petunia Panadería……….1402 S 10th St
- 509-454-9871…Las Margaritas…………….1460 N 16th
- 509-454-9880…Laundromat………………..1320 S 10th St
- 509-575-9912…Lions Pool………………..5th Av & Pine St
- 509-575-9991…Longs Drugs……………….12 N 9th Av
- 509-575-9989…Longs Drugs……………….12 N 9th Av
- 509-454-9028…Maid O Clover……………..202 S 5th Av
- 509-454-9006…Maid O Clover……………..202 S 5th Av
- 509-454-9035…Maid O Clover……………..1802 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9184…Maid O Clover……………..1802 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9978…Maid O Clover……………..4802 Summitview
- 509-454-9048…Maid O Clover……………..2412 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-576-9887…Maid O Clover……………..3602 Tieton Dr
- 509-454-9041…Many’s Market……………..811 W Mead
- 509-575-9509…Marti’s Restaurant…………1601 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-575-9524…Marti’s Restaurant…………1601 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-454-9865…McDonald’s………………..1305 S 1st St
- 509-576-9807…McDonald’s………………..3907 River Rd
- 509-965-7020…McDonald’s………………..5910 Summitview
- 509-965-9960…Meadowbrook Mall…………..7200 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9982…Meadowbrook Family Fun Center 7200 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9032..Mel’s Diner……………….314 N 1st St…inside
- 509-454-9839…Mel’s Diner……………….314 N 1st St…
- 509-575-9783…Memorial Hospital………….2811 Tieton Dr…separate
- 509-575-9800…Memorial Hospital………….2811 Tieton Dr
- 509-575-9626…Memorial Hospital………….2811 Tieton Dr
- 509-575-9958…Memorial Hospital………….2811 Tieton Dr
- 509-575-9929…Memorial Hospital………….2811 Tieton Dr
- 509-575-9917…Midas…………………….1231 S 1st St
- 509-454-9173…Miner’s restaurant…………2415 S 1st St
- 509-454-9852..Motel Columbia…………….2502 Fruitvale
- 509-454-9853..Motel Columbia…………….2502 Fruitvale
- 509-575-9949…Mystery Building…………..5th Av & D St
- 509-457-5019…National Weather Service……24th & Washington
- 509-576-9915…Niska Inn Motel……………1022 N 1st St
- 509-965-7018…Nob Hill Bowling…………..3807 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9831…Nob Hill Market……………911 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-457-9990…Nob Hill Plaza…………….2612 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9800…Nob Hill Plaza…………….2612 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9654…Nu-Way Cleaners……………801 S 3rd St
- 509-575-9642…Oxford Suites Motel………..1701 Terrace Heights Dr…separate
- 509-575-9635…Oxford Suites Motel………..1701 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-575-9724…Oxford Suites Motel………..1701 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-576-9919…Pine Apartments……………2nd St & Pine St
- 509-576-9827..PJ’s Laundromat……………611 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9016…Pleasant Shoppers Market……6th St & Adams St
- 509-454-9015…Pleasant Shoppers Market……6th St & Adams St
- 509-454-9126…Post Office……………….112 S 3rd St
- 509-454-9122…Post Office……………….3rd Av & Washington
- 509-575-9672…Providence Hospital………..110 S 9th Av
- 509-575-9442…Providence Hospital………..110 S 9th Av
- 509-576-9878…Quick Stop Mini Mart……….1513 Tieton Dr…close to 16th
- 509-576-9879…Quick Stop Mini Mart……….1513 Tieton Dr…away from 16th
- 509-576-9900…Rainford’s Lube & Oil………10 W Yakima Av
- 509-575-9600…Red Lobster……………….905 N 1st St
- 509-575-9526…Red Lobster……………….905 N 1st St
- 509-454-9044…Red Robin…………………2706 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9043…Red Robin…………………2706 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9438…Rent A Center……………..1214 S 1st St
- 509-575-9439…Rent A Center……………..1214 S 1st St
- 509-575-9589…Oxford Inn………………..1603 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-575-9816…Rite Aid………………….2204-B W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9905…Rite Aid………………….5606 Summitview
- 509-454-9073…Roadrunner Mini Mart……….1408 N 1st
- 509-454-9075…Roadrunner Mini Mart……….1408 N 1st
- 509-454-9829…Roadrunner Mini Mart……….1419 S 3rd Av
- 509-454-9027…Roadrunner Mini Mart……….3rd Av & Washington
- 509-454-9841..Roy’s IGA…………………201 S 6th St
- 509-454-9843..Roy’s IGA…………………201 S 6th St
- 509-454-9842..Roy’s IGA…………………201 S 6th St
- 509-575-9620..Safeway…………………..205 N 5th Av
- 509-575-9845..Safeway…………………..205 N 5th Av
- 509-575-9819..Safeway…………………..205 N 5th Av
- 509-454-9061..Safeway…………………..605 E Mead
- 509-575-9726..Safeway…………………..605 E Mead
- 509-575-9834..Safeway…………………..605 E Mead
- 509-575-9628…Safeway…………………..2204 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9706…Safeway…………………..2204 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-966-9010…Safeway…………………..5702 Summitview
- 509-966-9011…Safeway…………………..5702 Summitview
- 509-454-9098…Salvation Army Store……….9 S 6th Av
- 509-457-9816..Selah Creek Rest Area………I-82 Northbound
- 509-457-9847..Selah Creek Rest Area………I-82 Northbound
- 509-457-9817..Selah Creek Rest Area………I-82 Southbound
- 509-457-9848..Selah Creek Rest Area………I-82 Southbound
- 509-454-9000…Self Service Laundromat…….2117 W Lincoln
- 509-454-9033…Settler’s Inn……………..1406 N 1st St
- 509-575-9484..Seven Eleven………………16th & Fruitvale
- 509-575-9515..Seven Eleven………………16th & Fruitvale
- 509-575-9975…Seven Eleven………………1711 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9974…Seven Eleven………………1711 E Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9865…Seven Eleven………………1512 Summitview
- 509-575-9930…Seven Eleven………………1512 Summitview
- 509-575-9731..Seven Eleven………………3908 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-575-9824..Seven Eleven………………3908 Terrace Heights Dr
- 509-575-9797..Seven Eleven………………810 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9898..Seven Eleven………………810 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9892..Seven Eleven………………810 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9919..Seven Eleven………………810 E Yakima Av
- 509-454-9081..Shell Mini Mart……………51 Firing Center Rd…
- 509-576-9869…Shell Mini Mart……………Terrace Heights Dr & Keys Rd
- 509-576-9868…Shell Mini Mart……………Terrace Heights Dr & Keys Rd
- 509-966-9017…ShopKo……………………5801 Summitview
- 509-966-9043…ShopKo……………………5801 Summitview
- 509-454-9810…Silver Eagle Motel…………2101 Fruitvale Blvd
- 509-575-9557…Sizzler…………………..1203 N 1st St
- 509-454-9836..Smitty’s Conoco……………301 N 1st
- 509-454-9835..Smitty’s Conoco……………1023 S 3rd Av
- 509-576-9972..Smitty’s Conoco……………1023 S 3rd Av
- 509-454-9834…Smitty’s Conoco……………3508 Fruitvale Blvd
- 509-454-9034…Smitty’s Conoco……………3508 Fruitvale Blvd
- 509-454-9837..Smitty’s Conoco……………304 W Mead
- 509-454-9056..Smitty’s Conoco……………304 W Mead
- 509-575-9940…Solid Rock Worship Center…..210 N 5th Av
- 509-575-9667…Southard’s Laundromat………2618 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-454-9804..Spruce Lane Apts…………..914 E Spruce
- 509-576-9859…Subway……………………1731 S 1st St
- 509-454-9886..Sunburst Video…………….415 S 3rd St
- 509-575-9851…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…NW
- 509-575-9855…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…NW
- 509-575-9830…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…SW
- 509-575-9751…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…SW
- 509-575-9753…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…SE
- 509-575-9810…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…SE
- 509-575-9857…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…NE
- 509-575-9856…Sundome…………………..1301 S 10th St…NE
- 509-575-9611…Sundown M Ranch…………..2280 State Hwy 821
- 509-575-9617…Sundown M Ranch…………..2280 State Hwy 821
- 509-575-9574…Sundown M Ranch…………..2280 State Hwy 821
- 509-575-9581…Sundown M Ranch…………..2280 State Hwy 821
- 509-457-9831…Sunny Market………………708 N 5th Av
- 509-457-9832…Sunny Market………………708 N 5th Av
- 509-966-9047…Suntides Market……………11 Pence Rd
- 509-966-9028…Suntides Market……………11 Pence Rd
- 509-454-9082…Super D Bingo……………..1414 S 3rd Av…inside
- 509-454-9091…Super D Bingo……………..1414 S 3rd Av…
- 509-576-9930…Susie’s Laundromat…………1025 N 1st St
- 509-575-9864…Taco Bell…………………2124 S 1st
- 509-575-9735…Taco Bell…………………4001 Fruitvale
- 509-575-9737…Taco Bell…………………1602 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9962…Taco Bell…………………716 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9957…Taco John’s……………….1510 Summitview
- 509-575-9887…Taco Time…………………2111 S 1st St
- 509-966-9000…Tampico Store……………..1 Ahtanum Rd S fork
- 509-575-9613…Target……………………12 N Fair Av
- 509-575-9550…Target……………………12 N Fair Av
- 509-575-9549…Target……………………12 N Fair Av
- 509-576-9811…Texaco Gas Station…………218 S 5th Av
- 509-965-7015…Texaco Mini Mart…………..6003 Tieton Dr
- 509-575-9467…The Bon Marche…………….401 E Yakima Av
- 509-575-9479…The Bon Marche…………….401 E Yakima Av
- 509-454-9815…The Ranch Tavern…………..6th & Fruitvale
- 509-457-9867…Third St Market……………616 S 3rd St
- 509-575-9720…Top Foods…………………2203 S 1st St
- 509-575-9715…Top Foods…………………2203 S 1st St
- 509-965-7017…Town Pump and Pantry……….8101 Wide Hollow Rd
- 509-576-9828…Near Transit Center………..400 block E Walnut St
- 509-575-9457…Twin Bridges Inn…………..1315 N 1st
- 509-575-9455…Twin Bridges Inn…………..1315 N 1st
- 509-575-9501…Uptown Plaza Theater……….202 E Chestnut
- 509-454-9892…Villaseñor Restaurant………601 Fruitvale
- 509-454-9085…Waffles ‘n More……………1510 N 1st St
- 509-575-9403..Wal-Mart………………….1600 E Chestnut…customer service area
- 509-575-9436..Wal-Mart………………….1600 E Chestnut…customer service area
- 509-575-9401..Wal-Mart………………….1600 E Chestnut…order pickup area
- 509-454-9828…Wendy’s…………………..1001 N 1st St
- 509-965-9954…West Valley Laundromat……..7200 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-965-9965…Westside Mini Mart…………6712 Tieton Dr
- 509-966-9081..Wilson Middle School……….902 S 44th Av…Cafeteria
- 509-966-9029..Wilson Middle School……….902 S 44th Av…Gym
- 509-576-9947…Wray’s Thriftway…………..401 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9949…Wray’s Thriftway…………..401 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9950…Wray’s Thriftway…………..401 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-966-9064..Wray’s Thriftway…………..7200 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-966-9067..Wray’s Thriftway…………..7200 W Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-966-9008..Wray’s Thriftway…………..5605 Summitview
- 509-966-9088..Wray’s Thriftway…………..5605 Summitview
- 509-575-9760…Yakima Cinema……………..1305 N 16th
- 509-575-9748…Yakima Cinema……………..1305 N 16th
- 509-575-9419…Yakima City Hall…………..129 N 2nd St
- 509-575-9448…Yakima County Courthouse……128 N 2nd St…B st entrance
- 509-575-9554…Yakima County Courthouse……128 N 2nd St…2nd st entrance
- 509-575-9650…Yakima County Stadium………1301 S 10th St
- 509-454-9022..Yakima Mall (NE corner)…….401 E Yakima Av
- 509-454-9021..Yakima Mall (NE corner)…….401 E Yakima Av
- 509-454-9020..Yakima Mall (NE corner)…….401 E Yakima Av
- 509-457-9855..Yakima Mall (Food Court)……401 E Yakima Av
- 509-457-9856..Yakima Mall (Food Court)……401 E Yakima Av
- 509-457-9830…Yakima Sportsman Park………904 Keys Rd
- 509-575-9860…YMCA……………………..5 N Naches Av
- 509-575-9827…YVCC (Gym)………………..16th & Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-575-9427…YVCC..(Library)……………16th & Nob Hill Blvd
- 509-576-9961…YVCC..(Student Union)………16th & Nob Hill Blvd…
- 509-575-9564…YVCC..(Student Union)………16th & Nob Hill Blvd…inside
- 509-575-9422…YVCC..(Student Union)………16th & Nob Hill Blvd…inside
- 509-575-9747…YVCC..(Student Union)………16th & Nob Hill Blvd…inside
- 509-966-9001…Zaepfel Stadium……………702 S 40th Av
- 509-576-9838……………………………1309 N 1st St
- 509-575-9962……………………………26 N 2nd St
- 509-576-9911……………………………307 S 2nd St
- 509-576-9826……………………………4th Av & D St
- 509-575-9426……………………………4th St & B St
- 509-454-9879……………………………4th St & I St
- 509-575-9641……………………………4th St & Yakima Av
- 509-576-9815……………………………10th St & Adams St
- 509-454-9054……………………………10th St & Alder St
- 509-576-9803……………………………10th St & Pacific St
- 509-576-9927……………………………629 N 6th Av
- 509-576-9820……………………………6th Av & Swan Av
- 509-576-9830……………………………6th St & Maple St
- 509-454-9882……………………………6th St & Pacific Av
- 509-576-9817……………………………6th St & Spruce St
- 509-576-9829……………………………8th St & Race St
- 509-576-9806……………………………9th St & B St
- 509-575-9858……………………………901 Summitview
- 509-829-9008…AmPm……………………..Vintage Valley Pkwy
- 509-829-9007…AmPm……………………..Vintage Valley Pkwy
- 509-829-5000…Cherry Patch Mini Mart……..W First Av
- 509-829-6453…Chevron Mini Mart………….824 Zillah West Rd
- 509-829-6495…Chevron Mini Mart………….824 Zillah West Rd
- 509-829-6871…McDonald’s………………..820 Zillah West Rd
- 509-829-3169…Subway……………………903 Vintage Valley Pkwy
- 509-829-9092…Zillah City Park…………..First Av
- 509-829-6473…Zillah Food Center…………104 5th St
- 509-829-3267…Zillah Food Center…………104 5th St