AT&T Pay Phone
(302) Saskatchewan Directory
Below are pay phone numbers that people have sent to me from Saskatchewan.
Area Codes
Saskatchewan uses only the 306 area code.Caronport
- 306-756-9228…Dormitory (1st floor)………Bergren Place, Alder Cresc.
- 306-756-9230…Dormitory (2nd floor)………Bergren Place, Alder Cresc.
- 306-756-9204…Dormitory (2nd floor)………Bergren Place, Alder Cresc.
- 306-756-9233…Dormitory (3rd floor)………Bergren Place, Alder Cresc.
- 306-756-9214…Dormitory (3rd floor)………Bergren Place, Alder Cresc.
- 306-756-9280…Lewis Apartments (1st fl)…..Centre Street
- 306-756-9286…Lewis Apartments (2nd fl)…..Centre Street
- 306-756-9269…Sundbo Dormitory (2nd fl)…..Centre Street
- 306-756-9638…Sundbo Dormitory (3rd fl)…..Centre Street
- 306-756-9239…Whittaker One……………..Centre Street
- 306-756-9208…Whittaker One……………..Centre Street
- 306-756-9631…Whittaker Two……………..Centre Street
- 306-756-9211…Whittaker Two……………..Centre Street
- 306-756-9232…Whittaker Three……………Centre Street
- 306-933-9103..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…entrance, left of ticket counter
- 306-933-9222..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…entrance, left of ticket counter
- 306-933-9224..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…entrance, right of ticket counter
- 306-933-9223..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…entrance, right of ticket counter
- 306-933-9275..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…inside, left of ticket counter
- 306-933-9221..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…inside, left of ticket counter
- 306-933-9225..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…inside, right of ticket counter
- 306-933-9226..Bus Terminal downtown………50 23rd St E…inside, right of ticket counter
- 306-244-9098..Centennial Auditorium………35 22nd St E…east doors
- 306-244-9224..Centennial Auditorium………35 22nd St E…east doors
- 306-783-9955..Greyhound station………….35 1st ave N…inside
- 306-783-9919..Greyhound station………….35 1st ave N…inside
- 306-783-9925..Greyhound station………….35 1st ave N…