AT&T Pay Phone
(701) North Dakota Directory
This section contains pay phone numbers from North Dakota that people have sent to me.
Area Codes
North Dakota uses only the 701 area code.Bottineau
- 701-228-9904…Bud’s Laundromat and Car Wash Main Street
- 701-228-3086…Cenex Gas Station………….207 W 11th St
- 701-228-3617…Cole’s Bread and Bakery…….240 4th St W
- 701-228-9932…Conoco Gas Station…………Hwy 5
- 701-228-9987…Courant Newspaper………….419 Main St…
- 701-228-9900…Fairgrounds……………….Address Unknown
- 701-228-9918…Pizza Inn…………………Hwy 5 East
- 701-228-9902…Norway House motel…………1255 Hwy 5 NE
- 701-228-9989..Tommy Turtle Lanes & Cafe…..403 11th St W
- 701-228-1195…Tommy Turtle Park………….Address Unknown…
- 701-225-7896…Paragon Bowl………………1125 W Villard St
- 701-239-7027..Borrowed Bucks…………….1201 Westrac Dr
- 701-476-9744…Greyhound Station………….402 Northern Pacific Ave
- 701-476-9745…Greyhound Station………….402 Northern Pacific Ave
- 701-476-9746…Greyhound Station………….402 Northern Pacific Ave
- 701-476-9747…Greyhound Station………….402 Northern Pacific Ave
- 701-282-9980..Target……………………4202 13th Ave S
- 701-282-9981..Target……………………4202 13th Ave S
- 701-356-3031..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…NE entrance
- 701-356-3029..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…NE entrance
- 701-356-3024..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…NW entrance
- 701-356-3023..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…NW entrance
- 701-356-3028..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…near customer service desk
- 701-356-3027..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…near customer service desk
- 701-356-3026..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…near customer service desk
- 701-356-3032..West Acres Shopping Mall……3902 13th Ave S…SE entrance
- 701-838-7348…Dakota Square Mall…………Address Unknown